As advertised in a Pulitzer Prize
Winning Newspaper


“I Guarantee I’ll show complete strangers how to earn at least $400 in 90 seconds or I’ll pay them $10,000” -Nilus Mattive


in 90 Seconds

in 90 Seconds

in 90 Seconds

We took his challenge and documented everything on camera. Here’s what happened…

Dear Reader,

On May 6th, 2006 one of smartest traders on Wall Street disappeared without a trace.

At the height of his popularity, this published author, millionaire and certified genius simply vanished…

He left everything behind…

A multiple six figure salary…

Luxury cars…

Thousand dollar suits and a corporate expense account.

Every… Single… Thing.

For years, his disappearance was one of Wall Street’s great mysteries--

But recently he was spotted - here…

Over 2,500 miles away from NYC in the picturesque town of Santa Monica, Califonia.

And what he’s doing now left us speechless…

As advertised in a major newspaper…

Instead of wearing a suit and working for Wall Street…

This millionaire trader now walks the beaches of Southern California with a sign that reads,

According to what I read…

This millionaire trader claims he can show anyone how to collect over $400 in under a minute and a half…

Without buying a single share of stock , bond or even an option up front…

All thanks to a “loophole” in the markets.

In one of the strangest stories I’ve ever read…

This trader claims if you have…

  1. A brokerage account
  2. Internet Connection
  3. 90 Seconds to spare

He can show you how to collect $400… of real hold in your hand cash... all in under minute and a half.

But here’s where the story gets even weirder…

Instead of quietly getting rich off this technique…

Or using it to start a hedge fund for wealthy clients…

This former Wall Street golden boy has created a public challenge…

Put up $10,000 of his own money…

And walks the beaches of Santa Monica, CA doing live demonstrations of this mysterious financial transaction.

In fact, he’s gone on record claiming…

This guy claims his income trick is so easy it requires:

  • No experience in the financial markets
  • No education level
  • No active source of income

And can be done while laying on the beach.

Now I can tell you as an economist this is highly unusual…

In fact, normally I’d write something like this off as crazy

But you should see his success stories…

According to what I read, over 500 people have access to this strategy…

And every single one of them has walked away with hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

People like:

58 year old Plumber Steven Saunders wrote…

“Man… I just made $642… this really is a secret loophole…
just as advertised”

51 year old Policeman Ryan Towers said,

“I’m stunned… can’t believe how easy this is… I just made $832”

38 year old mother of two Jessica Norman,

“Are you kidding? I just made close to $900?”

63 year old retired teacher Jeff Sundstrum said,

“I just made close to $2,000! I’m about to head on vacation”

I’ve never seen anything like it… it’s almost too strange to believe.

But reading these testimonials, I had to know more.

So immediately after reading this story I sent a team of economists, accountants and investment pros to California to put this guy and his crazy challenge to the test.

Will it work?

Will he be able to teach perfect strangershow to instantly collect hundreds of dollars in the stock market in less than 2 minutes…

Or will this man have to pay up $10,000?

I’ve got no idea but I’m excited to find out…

So come with me on this journey across the country as we watch this “$10,000 Income Challenge” unfold.

And uncover the truth about this unorthodox income method and meet the fascinating man who’s uncovered it.

Hi I’m John Burke…

I’m a researcher here at Paradigm Publishing one of the largest independent research firms in the world…

Here at Paradigm we specialize in locating and profiting off unusual investment far from Wall Street’s radar.

Our research is read more than Barons or the Washington Post…

But today we’re doing something very different.

We’ve flown a team out to Santa Monica, California to investigate one of the strangest income strategies I’ve ever seen.

If you haven’t saved enough for retirement, pay close attention…

Because if the claims are true… you could be looking at the perfect solution to boost your retirement income by $1,000, $2,000 or even as much as $10,000 a month!


An instant way to supplement your social security withouthaving to buy a share of stock up front, a bond or even an option.

But before we go any further let me introduce you to the man behind this unusual income method.

We did some investigation before the trip… just to make sure he wasn’t some kind of scam artist. And what we found out was really shocking.

Like I said, his name is Nilus Mattive…

And while his name may not be familiar, you’re no doubt familiar with his work.

For over 10 years, he was a regular contributor to mainstream outlets like Fox News and Market Watch…

He was on speed dial with some of the biggest names in finance…

In fact, when the rating agency Standard and Poor’s needed an expert to write the definitive guide to investing…

The only man they called was Nilus.

But before you meet him I need to warn you…

Although he spent years on Wall Street and his investment credentials are impeccable…

He doesn’t look like your typical banker...

In fact, if you met him on the street you’d most likely think he was just a surfer…

But don’t let his lifestyle fool you…

He’s a serious trader who is one of the smartest men on Wall Street.

In fact, when I call him a genius that’s no exaggeration.

His IQ is off the charts… he’s even been accepted into the elite group of prodigies known as Mensa…

But despite his impeccable Wall Street credentials…

And despite being one of the smartest guys you’ll ever meet...

There’s only way to find out if this income secret is real. We’re going to film his challenge…

Here he comes now…

Let’s get him to explain it to us.

Hi Nilus how are you?

Nilus: I’m good,

Interviewer: Thanks for taking the time to see us.

Nilus: My pleasure, I’m glad we were able to meet up.

Interviewer: Now I know you’re a busy man so let me launch in and start with the obvious...

Like many people I saw you in the paper…

And from what I read it appears you’ve discovered a “loophole” in the stock market that allows you to instantly collect hundreds or even thousands of dollars in under 90 seconds.…

Is that right?

Nilus: Yeah that’s right…

Interviewer: And that you guarantee you can show anyone…

No matter their education level…

Financial experience…

Technical expertise…

How to earn at least $400 from the market and do it all under 90 seconds?

And if you can’t you’ll pay them $10,000, right here right now.

In fact, if I can quote you say,

Nilus: Nodding…

Interviewer: Now excuse me if I sound a little skeptical but this sounds hard to believe…

Nilus: Listen, I know this sounds a little crazy…

But really that’s why I went through all the trouble of putting together this $10,000 Challenge…

I want to prove to people that generating income from the stock market is a lot easier than they’ve been lead to believe.

You don’t have to depend on dividends, bonds or reverse mortgages or anything crazy.

By simply tapping into this little known loophole you can instantly collect hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

And I’ll prove it to you…

But instead of boring you with data and numbers right of the bat…

Why don’t I give you a live demonstration of the $10,000 income challenge and show you how it works in real-time.

And then after I can fill you in on all the nuts and bolts…

Sound good?

Interviewer: Ok… that might be better. Do we have to go anywhere, or can we do it right on the beach?

Nilus: We can do the challenge anywhere we have an internet connection but here seems like as good a place as any…

Now before we get started let me go over the ground rules first of this challenge…

In the next 90 seconds… I’m going to show a total stranger how to collect at least $400...of real cash

Without buying a stock, bond or option up front…

And if I can’t… I’ll give them $10,000.

No tricks…

No games…

Either they walk out of here with at least $400 or I pay them $10,000.

Make sense?

Interviewer: Sure

Nilus: Ok… and to make it even safer… we’ll do the whole thing in my brokerage account so there’s no risk to you.

Ok… let me log onto my account and we can start the clock…

You ready…

(Nilus explains trade)

And time!

Just like that… I want you to read the account balance...

What does it say?

Interviewer: Wow… it reads over $400 just like you said… that’s amazing!

So that money they just earned is theirs to keep, right? It’s not a loan or anything we have to pay back?

Nilus: Exactly… Here’s the full value of that trade for you to keep, for your trouble/participation. Now this is my brokerage account, so that money is in my account. But I’m a man of my word… (passes John the money).

Interviewer: I’m sort of in shock right now…

But let me sum up what we just saw for the audience at home.

In just over 54 seconds…

We just logged into your account…

Clicked the mouse 5 times…

And this stranger off the street instantly collected over $400.

Without buying a stock up front, a bond or even collecting a dividend..

I think I speak for everyone when I asked how is this possible?

Nilus: Ok, I’ll show you. But before I do, why don’t we do a few more examples so we can really put this $10,000 income challenge to the test.

Let’s find some more people…


Interviewer: Just like last time… in under 90 seconds you earned at least $400…

Not bad, for less than a minutes worth of work?

Nilus: Keep in mind too—these are just a few of the opportunities out there…

There are literally hundreds just like this that allow you to instantly collect hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Now, I realize $400 bucks isn’t going to make these guys instant millionaires...

But consider…

It takes the average person over 40 hours to earn that kind of money...

So it’s nice to have an income trick that can earn weeks’ worth of work in just 90 seconds.

And the cool part is…you can do this as many times as you want.

So you could collect $900 today… $750 tomorrow… $854 the next day… and so on.

And that money adds up really quick.

And it’s also really easy.

Like you’ve seen, none of these people are professional investors or experienced traders…

They’re just regular people who learned how to collect at least $400 in less than 90 seconds.

Interviewer: I still can’t get over this…

With these last 3 live demonstrations…

You’ve taken three people with ZERO experience in the markets, and shown them how to instantly collect close to $3,000 in combined instant income.

Why don’t more people known about this?

Nilus: Well, to understand why so few people have heard of this technique you’ve got to know a little about Wall Street.

If you look at any mainstream Wall Street firm, whether that’s an investment bank or brokerage house their main concern is…

Making Money.

And this “90 second instant income” technique is one of their favorite strategies.

In fact, in 2014 alone, Virtu Financial (one of the world largest high frequency trading firms) racked up over $300 million in gains with this technique without losing a single trade!

And they’re not alone…

Bank of America and JP Morgan also made millions off this technique and didn’t lose a single trade either.

And as you can imagine…

With this much profit potential on the table Wall Street’s in no hurry to let this secret get out.

As researchers for Nasdaq put it…

So if you’ve never heard of this “Instant Income Technique” before.

It’s not your fault.

Wall Street makes sure you never discover safe income strategies like this.

So despite the fact, this is the easiest way to make money I’ve ever found.

And despite the fact that just 90 seconds a week could boost your income by $4,000 a month.

Your broker is NEVER going to tell you about this!

But all that’s about to become irrelevant…

You see, my walking the beach for the “$10,000 Income Challenge” is just the first part of my plan to spread the word about this unusual technique.

I’ve also put together an entire blueprint on how to use this income strategy that I’d like to send it to your listeners… FREE!

Interviewer: Wow… that’s fantastic. But I think I speak for everyone when I ask if you could give us a little more detail about what this technique actually is?

Nilus: Definitely… but let me go ahead and switch over to my computer so I can give you all the specifics.

First off, to understand this transaction let’s step back a minute… and get a little context.

Although this money seems to appear from nowhere… there’s nothing tricky or magical about what you just saw.

In fact, this money is collected by using a little known financial transaction that began in 1973 and is based out of Chicago.

This maneuver is available every day the markets are open and allows you to collect hundreds and even thousands of dollars without actually buying anything up front.

And while I admit the concept takes a little getting used to…

Once you wrap your head around it…

You’ll have the ultimate tool to create instant income.

You can do this transaction in almost any brokerage account out there.

Heck this is so SAFE that the government even allows you to do it in your IRA.

This technique works in all types of markets… up… down… and even sideways.

And like you saw all you need is:

  1. Brokerage Account
  2. Internet Connection
  3. And 90 seconds

In fact, if you’ve got those things you can do it anywhere you like… even when you’re on vacation!

But let me make one thing clear before we go on…

Although this technique is the fastest and easiest way to make money I’ve ever found…

It still isn’t right for everyone.

This isn’t a “get rich quick” scheme or some new investing fad.

Rather, this strategy stretches back decades and has a rock solid track record of making people money month after month… year after year.

And like you’ve seen, this strategy is a favorite for America’s richest investment banks.

But it’s not just for institutions, this strategy has become a favorite for some of America’s richest investors too.

Take Warren Buffett…

And although publicly he touts boring old “value investing”.

Privately he’s made $4.9 billion off this technique.

Prompting some financial journalists to call this technique, “Warren Buffett’s Little Secret”.

And while Main Street struggles to collect meager income from blue-chip dividends…

All these insiders know, if they want to instantly boost their income this is without a doubt the most effective method.

But don’t think you have to be a billionaire to do this…

Like I showed you with Hernan, Paul, Ronald, and Savannah…

  • Hernan the waiter collected $589
  • Paul from London collected $478
  • Ronald the snake handler collected $490
  • Savannah the psychi who collected $491

These people had ZERO experience in the markets but thanks to this technique they were able to instantly collect at least $400 in under 90 seconds!

But keep in mind… I’m not the only guy who knows about this…

Barron’s call this technique,

Bloomberg Business Week said,

Even Wired Magazine wrote,

Please understand—

If you’ve ever wanted to boost your monthly income by $500, $1,000, $5000 or even $10,000 a month without doing anything unnecessarily risky like buying options or investing in speculative IPO’s.

This is your chance!

You’re about to discover a fantastic and instant way to boost your monthly income…

In fact, this is practically like having…

Your Own Personal
Money Machine

You see, up until this point I’ve just emphasized how quickly you can collect these income checks.

But there’s another benefit to this income plan that’s incredibly valuable.

You see, with traditional investments like stocks, bonds or dividends…

You’re limited in how often you can make money.

With stocks you can only sell them once… (and that’s after months or even years of waiting)

And with bonds or dividends you can only collect 2-4 times a year.

But with this “90-Second Instant Income” you can literally do it over and over again…

And the money is in your account instantly!

Of course, the amount you expect to receive is dependent on the amount you invest, and we’d never recommend you put in more than you’re willing to lose.

But check this out…

Let’s say you’re looking to make a major purchase like a car or appliance and you’re a little short on cash.

If you’re like most people you’d try and squeeze in a few extra hours at work…

Or maybe you’d pick up a part time job.

But with the “90 second income trick” you can literally make money on demand.

Let me jump on my computer to show you how easy this can be…

Like we said, let’s say you need $1,100 for a new TV...

If we login to our brokerage account and start looking through our instant income opportunities...we’ll see a whole bunch of them.

Since these are live markets the values are going to constantly change but if we look now.

They range from as low as $60 with Walmart all the way up to over $800 or more.

But as you’ve noticed, it doesn’t look like any of them are high enough to cover our costs.

So here’s what you can do…

Let’s find one that’s close to the $1,100 we need for our new TV…

It looks like Tesla has one for $857.

But instead of doing this transaction once and collecting $857…

We’ll go ahead and do it twice and instantly collect $1,714!

And just like that…with 1 extra click of the mouse…

We’ve collected all the money we need for a new TV… plus an additional $614 left over to use or invest however you’d like.What other investing technique allows you to collect money anytime on demand… without buying a stock up front, a bond, or even collecting a dividend?

Of course, there’s more to this strategy then just clicking a mouse… But we’ll get to that in just a minute.

This really is the closest thing to having your own personal ATM machine.

But that said…

I can probably guess, what you’re thinking…

What’s the catch?

“So I just type in a few numbers and companies give away money?”

Now of course, I’m not saying there’s a magic fairy giving money away… or that all investments don’t pose some type of risk.

We’re all adults here and we know that’s not how the world works.

But what I am saying is that thanks to this unique investment tool…

You can literally collect thousands of dollars in income just minutes from now…

  • Without having to spend all day in front of a computer
  • Without having to wait months for a bond or dividend to be distributed
  • Without spending a single dime buying stocks or bonds

But that begs the question,

“If this guy's really uncovered an instant income technique, why would he share it?

Why go through all the trouble of creating a $10,000 challenge and walking the beach spreading the word?

Why not just keep it to yourself and make all the money you’ll ever need?

That’s a question I get all the time and to be frank because...

Why Are You
Doing This?

I can.

Listen, I don’t mean to sound arrogant…

But I’ve made quite a bit of money off Wall Street and I’ve got what some people call F-U money.

Meaning… I’m independently wealthy and I’ve made more money than most people will in their lifetimes.

But it’s more than that…

You see, I didn’t grow up rich.

I’m from a tough Pennsylvania town with working class roots.

I know what it’s like to struggle to make ends meet.

I know how hard some families have to work just to keep the lights on and food on the table.

And it’s just not right that the elites are the only ones to have access to this instant income method.

Imagine what an extra $900, $1800 or even $2400 every week could do to your lifestyle…

That extra money could change everything…

It can cover car payments…

Allow loved ones to quit jobs they hate…

Finance exotic vacations…

Pay college tuition for grandchildren...

Pay off some debt…

And allow you to sleep soundly at night not worrying about money.

But to be clear—This “$10,000 income challenge” is more than just giving money away…

I’m a firm believer in the old adage…

“Give a man a fish and feed him for a day… Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.”

And that’s what we’re doing… we’re showing people a little known financial transaction that can use over and over to again…

That’ll solve their income needs… FOREVER!

As you’ve seen…

People like:

  • Hernan the waiter collected $589
  • Paul from London collected $478
  • Ronald the snake handler collected $490
  • Savannah the psychi who collected $491

Almost effortlessly collected hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

I’ll show you more examples in just a moment.

But what I’m going to say next is important…

So listen up…

Exposing Wall
Street’s Lies

I’m about to expose the biggest myth in modern finance…

A myth that has cost everyday investors millions of dollars.

And in the process, reveal why this technique is a true “glitch” of modern finance.

You see, if you talk to any traditional broker he’s going to tell you…

If you want to collect $1,000, $2000 a day from the markets, you’ve got to do two things, either:

  1. Buy at least $100,000 worth of dividend stocks… (pray the stock doesn’t crash) and wait 9-12 months to collect.

  2. Or…
  3. Invest $50,000 in a fixed income vehicle like a T-bill or bond and wait 2 years to collect.

But as I’ve shown through numerous examples…

This technique offers you the rare opportunity to bypass Wall Street’s “wait and see” approach…

And instantly collect nice income checks from some of America’s biggest companies.

And that’s crucial because…

Right now, Americans are facing a retirement crisis…

With interest rates near ZERO the world is starved for any type of income.

And for most people, the only option they have for income are dividend stocks.

But when you compare them to this income technique, it’s not even close.

Take a look at the some popular dividend stocks on the market…

These are the blue-chip companies every mainstream investor swears by.

Companies like Tesla, Chipotle, and AutoZone.

But when you compare this instant income technique it’s no contest.

Take General Electric for example (NYSE:GE)…

Would rather collect $187 on its dividend or $996 with the 90 second income technique?


Or how about Coke…

Would you rather could collect a paltry $177 or instantly collect $996?

It’s a no-brainer.

And remember--

With this technique there’s no waiting 2 or 3 months for the money to hit your account.

Once you use the “90 Second Income” trick that money is instantly yours to matter what.

And here’s the cool part…

It’s actually safer than simply buying traditional stocks.

Now of course no investment is guaranteed...

But when you look at my track record this instant income technique is about as close as it gets…

To date my track record is sitting at 100%.

To give you a comparison to traditional stocks…

George Soros’s—one of the greatest traders of all time—has a win-rate near 50%...

Meaning he’s wrong as many times as he’s right.

But with this instant income technique my audited track record my win-rate is 100%!

Now I’m not telling you this to brag but to simply show you how safe and predictable this strategy really is.

In fact, it’s so safe I even taught this technique to my own Dad…

Safe Enough For
My Father

You see, my Dad spent most of his working years as a public servant in the Pennsylvanian health care system.

But as he was closing in on retirement he wanted a safe way to boost his income.

But instead of listening to the so-called Wall Street “experts” and only relying on dividends and bonds…

I took a few minutes and showed him this simple technique.

In just minutes I showed my Dad how to collect hundreds and even thousands of dollars.

And like you’ve seen, once you know this trick you can literally do this transaction over and over again.

And I’ve put together a full report detailing exactly how you too can start instantly collecting money from the stock market…

And I’d like to send it to you FREE!

But before I do let me back up and show you exactly what this income secret is…

“90-Second Income
Secret” Revealed

See, the secret behind this income technique lies in capitalizing on a little known niche within the options market.

Now if you’re like most people you’re probably thinking,

“Aren’t options incredibly risky?”

And you’re 100% right...

The way most people use options is incredibly risky.

But there’s two different types of option transactions…

The first type--and what most people think of when they think of options—

Is what we call BUYING options.

This is your classic get rich quick scheme…

Where speculators leverage large amounts of money…

And pray the stock moves in a certain direction over a certain amount of time.

Trouble is—as with most get rich quick schemes—they rarely pay off.

In fact, in 2002 the Chicago Mercantile Board studied options and found they go unexercised or unused over 75% of the time.

Think about that… the vast majority of investors who bought options wasted every penny they invested.

But there’s a second type of option transaction that’s rarely mentioned that’s far safer (and more profitable)

You see, options are a zero-sum game.

Meaning when the option buyer loses, the seller wins.

So in an ideal world, if buying options loses 75% of the time…

Then selling the options would let you win 75% of the time.

And that’s what we’re doing, essentially we’re selling put options to risky speculators.

Think of it like Las Vegas…

When you’re buying options you’re the gambler pulling the slot machine hoping for a big win.

But when you’re selling them you switch sides…

You go from the being the sucker just waiting to lose money…

To becoming the “House” and collecting money from almost every transaction.

That’s exactly how I’ve been able to amass a 100% win-rate using this technique.

Believe me… in all my years of trading I’ve never seen anything like this.

And the great part is…

Like I’ve shown you, collecting these income checks is incredibly easy.

You can do this…

  • No matter where you live
  • No matter your brokerage account
  • No matter how much experience you have in the markets.

Just take a look at some of the instant income opportunities available right now…

  • Priceline Group...$1,182
  • Alphabet Inc...$574
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
  • Intuitive Surgical...$460
  • Chipotle...$443
  • AutoZone...$645
  • Amazon...$632

Each one of these opportunities allows you to instantly collect $400, $500, $600 or even $1,100.

All from the comfort of your own home…

And all in just a few seconds.

And while I admit, none of these transactions will make you an overnight millionaire.

You’ll be amazed at how fast these income checks can add up if you’re consistently cashing these in.

Simple 6-Figure
Income Plan

Consider if you set aside 90 seconds every week to take advantage of this loophole…

In just one week you could have $1,182…

After a month you’d have $5,122…

And by the end of the year you’d be sitting on over $60,000!

That’s a nice annual salary for most people.

But here’s the thing…

That’s just one trade a week…

What if you decided to do this twice, three times or even four times a week?

Very quickly you’d be looking at an annual income of $120,000… $180,000… or even $240,000.

It’s not hard to see how fast you could take a relatively small amount of money and build a nice nest egg.

And really that’s why I’ve put together this short presentation.

To show you how to radically boost your income in the coming days and weeks.

In fact, I’ve put together a complete blueprint for locking in thousands of dollars each and every week for as long as you’d like.

I call it… The 90 Second Income Trick: The Insider’s Guide to Earning $1,000 Each and Every Week.

It is part of a revolutionary service I’m starting called, The Rich Life’s ATM.

This service is the “paint by numbers” way to start instantly collect these income checks.

And let me be clear…

When I call this report The 90 Second Income Trick: The Insider’s Guide to Earning $1,000 Each and Every Week.

I’m dead serious…

With this guide in hand you can learn everything you need to start collecting income every day the markets are open.

Bottom line:

If you want to boost your monthly income…

Without spending all day at a mind numbing office job…

Without spending hours in front of a computer…

And without taking crazy risks in the stock market…

Your timing couldn’t be better.

Because right now…

I’ve located a whole fresh batch of instant income opportunities...ones that allow you to collect hundreds or even thousadns of dollars. Just like the ones I showed you…

That allow you to collect over $589, $478, $400 $491, $490 and $491 in instant income!

Total that up and you’re look at close to $3,000 in income opportunities.

And I’ve put together everything you need to know in a short easy to read report.

Inside this new manual you’ll discover the full details behind this mysterious financial transaction…


  • Exactly how this mysterious transaction works... and how you could start generating hundreds or thousands of dollars in instant income each and every Tuesday morning…
  • How to collect instant income — up to 52 times per year — from the safest blue chip stocks (with very little risk!)…
  • The EXACT WORDS you need to know to collect instant income in just two minutes (you can call your broker and read it right off your screen — it’s that easy!)…
  • How to execute this simple transaction in ANY online brokerage account (and the critical steps you must take to ensure almost ZERO risk!)…
  • How to keep the instant income stream flowing month after month — so you can count on this income for the rest of your life!...
  • The three rules you absolutely MUST follow in order to collect instant income safely and consistently forever...

It's a quick read… not something that should take you more than a few minutes.

But don’t be fooled by its length…

In the time it takes you to read this manual, you’ll have more knowledge of this glitch than 99% of investors (professionals included).

And more importantly you’ll have the tools you need to collect income from the markets literally anytime you’d like.

But that’s not all…

The second thing I’d like to send you is…

My Instant Income:
Fast Track Series

In these high definition video series I’ll walk you through the process of getting started… step by step.

Although it’s very easy to do… (and shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes)

Through experience I’ve found many people like looking over my shoulder as I walk you through the process.

So what I’ve done is…

I’ve created a series of videos that shows you everything you have to do to get started.

This includes opening a brokerage account, the exact buttons you need to hit and the numbers you’re going to need.

In this ground breaking video series, you’ll get to act like a fly on the wall as I show you exactly how to start collecting thousands of dollars in income checks.

Think of these videos as the perfect complement to the: The 90 Second Income Trick: The Insider’s Guide to Earning $1,000 Each and Every Week.

These two work hand in hand to show you exactly how you can get started collecting these checks as soon as possible.

Consider… with these two gifts alone…

You’d have all the tools you’d need to start instantly collecting hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

And really that’s why I started the Rich Life ATM… it’s a monthly research service that gives you my top market commentary and analysis in addition to the exact details you can use to start collecting thousands of dollars each and every week.

Imagine what you’d do with an extra $1,000 or $2,000 every week?

Would you pick up that nice Corvette or Porsche you’ve always wanted?

Would you travel more?

Or maybe you’d just want to invest it and watch it grow even faster.

Whatever you’d do it’s not hard to see how nice it would be to have an extra $4,000 - $8,000 each and every month.

Now… normally for me to spend time putting together a report like The 90 Second Income Trick: The Insider’s Guide to Earning $1,000 Each and Every Week…

And actually get on camera we’d typically charge around $10,000 alone… but today we’d like to send this to you FREE!

And that’s not all…

When you join us today we’d also like to send you…

My brand new book titled “The Rich Life Income Bible: 316 Income Hidden Sources and Secrets to Fund the Retirement You’ve Always Wanted”

This groundbreaking book reveals inside secrets for Wall Street doesn’t want you to know about.


  • Let Alaska’s oil pay for your retirement. Roughly $33,955,470 in oil flows through the Trans-Alaska Pipeline each day. On page 43 I’ll show you an easy way to transfer a “toll” from each gallon of oil into your retirement savings.
  • As safe as CDs but earns five times more! Fire your bank! You don’t need them anymore — not when you can earn up to 5x more than CDs with the same low risk. You can also use this secret to pass your money on to your loved ones without the taxman touching it. See page 173.
  • Claim free silver from your bank. Using this unique trick, I’ll tell you exactly what you can do and say to legally get silver coins for free from your bank. I’ll also show you the $200,000 coin you might already own. I’d hate for you to spend it unknowingly! Better turn to page 287.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

This book is the holy grail of income ideas.

If you’re struggling to make ends meet… you’ve got to check this out.

This book contains over 500 pages of ideas you can use instantly to boost your income.

Ideas like:

  • The “$25 Patriot Pension Plan.” This super-safe investment makes almost 50x more interest than your regular savings account, and it helps our military veterans too. On page 75 I’ll show you why it’s one of my favorite opportunities for you.
  • The income secret that turned a secretary into a multimillionaire. Gail Green was an ordinary secretary from Lake Forest, Illinois, who used this income secret to turn a $200 investment into $7 million. This income turbocharger can consistently turn ordinary folks into millionaires, but few people take advantage of it. I’ll explain everything on page 23.
  • Get paid to watch TV. Why not earn an easy $10 doing something you’re already doing? It’s the ultimate in passive income! See page 457 for all the details. Thousands of others are doing it — why aren’t YOU?

And this is just a few of the ideas you’ll find in,

The Rich Life Income Bible: 316 Income Hidden Sources and Secrets to Fund the Retirement You’ve Always Wanted

And I want to send a copy of this book to you for FREE...

All told you’re looking at over $10,049 worth of FREE reports and videos we’ll send you FREE.

Here’s what you need to do now

First off, click the link below… which will take you to a page that looks just like this.


Once you get started, you’ll immediately receive the Instant Income Money Master Class including your own copy of “$1,000 a Week Report”.

* Special Note… since you’ll have the opportunity to instantly collect thousands of dollars in just minutes -- the first thing you should do — once you receive your report is
turn to page 10.

This is where I explain the entire strategy behind “Instant income method” and show you the fastest way to get in on the action.

In just a few pages I’m going to show you how to instantly collect thousands of dollars in income checks.

After you’ve got the basics down then you should click on the page called recent recommendations…

Here’s where we’ll list all of the upcoming recommendations and the things you should be looking for in the next play…

You’ll get the full story on the next opportunity and the company we are looking at.

And really, that’s about it.

Once you understand the philosophy behind the “Instant Income Method”… have written down all the codes… you are on the road to the most profitable investing system I’ve ever found.

There’s nothing else to it!

But by now you may be wondering…

How much does
it cost?

As you’d imagine with this level of research, combined with the reports, 500+ page income book, Master class videos and exclusive concierge team… this service is NOT cheap.

To give you an idea…

If you went to a hedge fund manager and wanted these types of returns they’d charge you what’s called the “2 and 20 rule”.

That means they’d charged 2% of the total money invested… plus 20% of the profits.

In real terms…

If you invested $1 million dollar in our portfolio and our return was 25%…

You’d be looking at $70,000 in management fees.

But don’t worry…

Since we aren’t financial advisors or money managers, we’re not going to charge anywhere near $70,000.

Like I said, I’ve done the “Wall Street thing”…

And that’s not what this is about.

I get far more satisfaction out of showing everyday Americans the exact tools elites use to build wealth.

That’s why I’ve worked out a special deal with my publisher…

So you can forget about paying $70,000

You’re not going to pay… $50,000

You won’t even pay… $25,000

Heck, we won’t even charge… $5,000

In fact, for a limited only we’ve set up a special deal for the first 1,000 people that respond today…

You’ll get everything you’ve seen for just $2,995.

That’s right… if you take us up on our offer today I’m going to show you how to collect thousands of dollars a month for just $2,995.

But keep in mind—this is first come first serve.

And when all the slots are gone… they’re gone.

And considering this message will go out to over 1 million Agora Financial readers...

And considering I’m about to show you how to instantly collect hundreds and even thousands of dollars each and every week for life…

I anticipate selling out very quickly.

So if you’re interested at all we need to hear from you soon.

But that brings me to a very important point…

While I can’t guarantee you a spot the good news is…

If you’re one of the first 1,000 members to get in…

And you follow my system you could be collecting income checks just minutes from now.

In The Next 5 Minutes This Service Could Pay for Itself

But let’s get real…

If you look at the income opportunities I’ve found…

These include:

  • Priceline Group...$1,182
  • Alphabet Inc...$574
  • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
  • Intuitive Surgical...$460
  • Chipotle...$443
  • AutoZone...$645
  • Amazon...$632

On these 7 plays alone we’re looking at over $4,424 in income.

That’s more than enough to pay for your entire membership… with thousands of dollars left over.

Consider that…

In the next 5 minutes you could potentially pay for your entire membership for (The Rich Life ATM).

What other service pays for itself just moments after joining?

And not to mention… the other the hundreds of other opportunities just like this…

And remember a hedge fund manager would normally charge you over $70,000 for this….

So offering this research at $2,995 is a phenomenal value.

But I get it…

Paying close to 3 grand is still quite a bit of money…

And you may not be comfortable shelling out that kind of cash…

So here’s what I’m going to do:

  1. I’m going to drop the already discounted price of $2,995 and cut it down all the way to $2,000.

  2. Plus, I’ll give you my never before seen, $1,000 a Week Performance Guarantee

Let me show you what I mean…

$1,000 a Week
Income Guarantee

Besides slashing the already discount rate by an additional $1,000…

I want to make sure you’re 100% confident in your decision.

So with that in mind, I’m going to give you a performance guarantee that’ll allow you to sleep at night.

I call it the $1,000 a week promise…

Over the course of the next year, we’ll show you how to collect $1,000 each and every week for the entire year!

If we don’t deliver on this—for any reason—simply give us a call and we’ll give you an extra year completely FREE.

In other words, we’re fully covering the cost of your subscription.

That’s how certain I am the impact this income technique will have on your portfolio.

But there is one more thing…

As I’ve shown you, The Rich Life ATM is not a simple newsletter.

We don’t just send out stock recommendations and hope for the best.

Far from it…

This is a full service operation.

As I’ve shown you The Rich Life ATM includes interactive videos, groundbreaking reports, Income books, cutting-edge insights and your very own personal concierge.

This full service approach takes all the guesswork out…

Everything we do is designed to make sure you start collecting these income checks as soon as possible.

But if you’re still a little unsure…

There’s one more thing we’d like to give you FREE.

You see, one of the big strengths of this instant money technique is you can do it anywhere in the world.

That means if you’re in Europe traveling and need a little extra cash, all you do is find a café log into your brokerage account and boom 90 seconds later you’ve got money in your account.

That means if you’re in the market for a new car and need a little extra cash… follow my 3 step system and boom… you’ve got the money you need.

Or even if you’re sitting at the beach and would like to make a little extra money… all you’ve got to do is find an internet connection and you’re golden.

So with that in mind…

We’re also giving you a very special gift…

A Brand New Laptop

This gift gives you the freedom to collect money on demand.

And for the first thousand people that join me today… I’m going to send them this… a brand new Laptop… completely FREE!

And I’m doing this for a very good reason…

You see, as I’ve shown you… you only need 3 things to start collecting this income.

  1. Brokerage Account
  2. Internet Connection
  3. 90 Seconds

Well, to make sure this happens we’re sending you a special computer you can use to collect your income checks.

That’s right, when you join us today…

You’re going to receive a FREE laptop--along with all your other gifts—

As soon as you join us at The Rich Life ATM.

First, you should know this is not some cheap, bottom-of-the-barrel computer either...

This brand new Hewlett Packard (HP) Chromebook is ultra-lightweight at 2.5lbs but packs some serious punch!

It features an Intel Celeron processor that quickly launches apps and allows fast web browsing...

A gorgeous 11.6" 1366x768 HD display so you can look at pictures and enjoy movies in high definition... and ... an amazing battery.

Seriously. This thing has a tested battery life of 12 hours and 30 minutes -- which means it lasts longer than my personal laptop that I paid thousands of dollars for!

In short, it's the latest HP Chromebook to hit the market--10% thinner and 11% lighter than previous versions with all the bells and whistles.

And it's brand new because we just ordered them directly...

All I need for you to do is agree to the terms on this page and confirm your shipping address.

In return, I'll flat out GIVE YOU one of the 1000 laptops I've purchased just for this occasion.

That means, there's literally no excuse left for not giving this a try can even paper trade or use these gifts in any way you like.

They’re yours to keep.

Just keep in mind….

Because of the money we’ve already put up for the FREE laptops (plus the massive discount we’re offering)…

We simply can’t allow any refunds on this project.

Now I realize this may rub people the wrong way.

But that’s the economics of business…

And if that’s a deal breaker for you…

I’m sorry, but you’re probably not right for this service.

But considering you’re still reading…

I have a feeling you are NOT “most people.”

Truth is, the average person likes to talk about getting rich and may even dream about it.

But when it comes to taking action…

They procrastinate and never get around to it.

That’s why most people live out their entire lives scraping by and never live the life they deserve.

And while we do suggest you have at least $10k to get started if you are planning to make use of our recommendations…

That’s why I’ve put together this special one-time offer…

To find the unique group of action takers that are ready to start building real wealth and live the life of their dreams.

Since you’ve stuck with me this long… I think you’re one of those people.

And because I'm giving you absolutely everything you need to get started today, there is absolutely no reason to delay.

In fact, with this offer, you simply can't lose!

Last Chance…
Window’s Closing

Just imagine finally breaking free from the financial shackles that held you down for so long…

Imagine what it would be like to wake up to reliable and consistent checks of $1,182, $835, or $1,307… each and every week.

And turning a small nest egg into an absolute fortune!

Like I showed you… there’s literally millions of dollars just waiting to be claimed!

And all of this without risking the farm, sitting all day in front of a computer and staying awake at night worrying about another stock market crash.

The Rich Life ATM is the easy way to financial independence.

Like I showed you today, this radically different investing style works… even if you have:

  • No financial background
  • Limited resources to invest
  • A bad track record in the markets
  • Or even an incredibly busy schedule

Let’s take a look at what you’ll receive when you join us today:

  • The Insider’s Guide to a earning $1,000 Each and Every Week: This short easy to read guide explains everything you need to know about From its beginnings in the 1970’s to its current form. This is your cheat-sheet to exploiting a “loophole” many in the establishment would prefer you didn’t know about. There’s no guesswork here, it just a few pages you’ll discover exactly what to look for with the next date approaching and how much money we expect to make.
  • Master Class: Instant income Series. These groundbreaking videos break down everything you need to do to start collecting hundreds and even thousands of dollars from the stock market.
  • 1 Years worth of Rich Life ATM recommendations: In addition, you’ll also receive 12 issues of my monthly newsletters, detailing cutting-edge ways for everyday investors to vastly increase their gains in today’s crazy market environment.
    In other words, by enrolling today, you’ll have complete access to our entire library for one full year (new issues included).
  • Brand new Hewlett Packard (HP) Chromebook is ultra-lightweight Laptop
  • Latest Market Research and four new recommendations each month: On the second Tuesday of every month, you’ll receive Nilus’s most pressing market commentary and analysis, as well as at least four recommendations.
  • Current updates on all my recommendations: It’s vital you keep up to date on all my positions. That’s why I keep meticulous records and give you crystal clear instructions on which to buy plus how much we’re set to return.

But like I said…

There are only a few of these computers left and if you’d like to learn how to start effortlessly collecting hundreds and even thousands of dollars from the stock market…

We need to hear from you soon.

So click on the blue button to get started!


You’ll join thousands of other success stories like Hernan, Paul, Maja, Ronald, Savanha, and Dale you saw today!

Remember: it’s not just a great bargain you are getting today.

You’ll be joining the greatest moneymaking movement in history.

You’ll be a part of an ever-growing wealth building community.

Click on the blue button below to claim your discount now.


Once you do you’ll be granted immediate access to everything.

Do not put this offer one second longer…

Click the blue button below and we’ll see you on the other side



Nilus Mattive
May 2018


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