Urgent From James Altucher:

Altucher’s Investment Network
Is Getting A Big Upgrade!

My team and I are making big changes to Altucher’s Investment Network and I want to make sure you’re prepared. See my short message below by Tuesday, November 28, or you could miss out.

Hi, James Altucher here with a major announcement.

I’ve made a massive upgrade to Altucher’s Investment Network.

And as one of my subscribers, what I have to say may directly impact you.

What’s going on?

As you’ll see, I’ve launched an upgraded level to my newsletter…

Including several incredible benefits that you’ve likely never seen before…

Benefits specifically designed to help show you how to make a fortune in 2024 and beyond.

The best part?

In the future, new subscribers who want to upgrade to this “elite” level will have to pay $495.

But because you’re already one of my Investment Network readers, you’ll be able to upgrade your subscription right here on this page.

As one of my readers, this upgrade is yours to claim. You just have to let me know below.

The only catch is that, as you’ll see, I must hear from you by Tuesday, December 5… or you could miss out for good.

Don’t worry, in just a moment I’ll walk you through how this upgrade works…

First, let me explain why I’ve made this change…

Now Is The Greatest Period In History For Regular Folks To Strike It Rich

My goal with Altucher’s Investment Network has been the same since day 1: to help you find big moneymaking trends, wherever they may be.

And I can tell you that right now is the best – and easiest – time to make a fortune, even if you’re starting from scratch and can pick the right plays.

We’re sitting at the dawn of a transformative moment in history.

In the coming months and years, a number of huge new innovations stand to change our world… and create trillions of dollars in wealth for investors along the way.

I’m talking about artificial intelligence… electric vehicles… and drone technology, to name just a few.

Inside Altucher’s Investment Network, I’ve shown my readers (including you) how to capitalize on all of these innovations.

But lately, I’ve been facing a growing problem with the format of my newsletter…

You may have noticed it too.

And this upgrade was my way of fixing it once and for all.

You see, with so many new innovations set to change the world, there’s more opportunities than ever for us to profit from.

And new opportunities are popping up all the time.

Almost every week, there’s another new company with a breakthrough innovation that you can invest in.

But this won’t last forever.

Within a few short years, the biggest money from all of these trends could have already been made.

And that brings me back to this problem.

With my current newsletter, however, you only get 1 issue per month.

And in those monthly issues, there’s only room to share a handful of recommendations with you.

Because of that, we only had the chance to take advantage of a small number of the opportunities that are available right now…

Take artificial intelligence, for example.

It’s no secret that A.I. is the biggest story in the world – and everywhere you look, A.I. stocks are soaring…

But we’ve missed out on countless A.I. opportunities already… simply because there’s no room for me to share them in the monthly issues.

Let me show you what I mean…

According To PwC, A.I. Is Projected To Become A $15.7T Opportunity By 2030

With the release of ChatGPT back in late 2022, A.I. has taken the world by storm.

Now, just about every major company in the world is racing to adopt A.I. in their business.

In fact, almost 50% of companies which are using ChatGPT have replaced workers due to this new technology.

Which is why, according to Fortune, “Wall Street is obsessed with A.I.”

Today, the global A.I. industry is estimated to be around $136 billion.

But by 2030, according to PwC, A.I. will become a $15.7 trillion opportunity.

That’s more than 10-fold growth in just a few short years.

And as that happens, many tiny A.I. stocks could soar 50-fold… 100-fold… or higher.

And according to Cathie Woods, that prediction might even be conservative.

She claims that A.I. could be a $200 trillion opportunity over time.

In other words, we’re still on the ground floor of what might be the most important innovation in history.

But by staking your claim today, you have the chance to target the best A.I. companies before they surge for life-changing wealth potential.

That’s because, according to The Motley Fool, by 2030 A.I. will disrupt 70% of all businesses.

I‘m talking about everything from healthcare… to transportation… to manufacturing… and much more.

In short, A.I. will change just about every business you can think of.

And that leads me to my next point…

A.I. Is About To Change The World – And These Investments Are Set To Soar

The fact is that A.I. is one of the most important developments in human history.

It’s going to completely change everything on a level we haven’t seen since the printing press or the Industrial Revolution.

And there’s a growing number of opportunities to make a fortune from the rise of A.I.

Everywhere you look, new companies are being launched almost daily to help capitalize on this trend.

But until now, we’ve missed out on many of them.

In some cases, these opportunities can be stocks which have just gone public…

In other cases, they can be private deals from pre-IPO A.I. companies.

Whatever the case, most A.I. companies trade for dirt-cheap prices today. But in just a few years, I expect them to be considerably higher…

Remember – the A.I. industry stands at just $136 billion today but could one day hit $200 trillion or higher.

And I want to help show you how to profit every step of the way.

Because the A.I. story continues to change and evolve on an almost daily basis.

What was the best A.I. company of yesterday (like Nvidia is now) might not be a good investment today.

But because new issues of Altucher’s Investment Network only go out once per month, it’s impossible for me to keep you up to date on everything that happens, as it happens.

That’s why I created this first new benefit called A.I. Alert Pro.

Every month, I’ll send you a complete breakdown of what’s happening in the A.I. space… and the investments you can buy to profit.

Through this new benefit, you’ll be ahead of almost everyone else in the world…

And you’ll get access to A.I. opportunities I won’t be sharing anywhere else.

Truly, you’ll be taking part in the most cutting-edge A.I. group in the world.

And you’ll have the full scoop on every up-and-coming A.I. opportunity you need to know about whenever a new opportunity arises.

Even better…

You’ll be able to get started right away.

I just finished the first alert detailing the #1 A.I. opportunity I’m looking at now.

The Hidden A.I. Sleeper Play Which Could Make Investors Rich

While almost everyone is focused on the biggest A.I. names (like Nvidia or Microsoft,) there’s one hidden A.I. “sleeper play” which virtually nobody knows about.

As you may know, companies train A.I. by feeding it billions of different books, articles, webpages and more.

A.I. then memorizes everything it’s learned from these different sources.

That’s where this hidden A.I. stock comes in.

It’s quietly amassed one of the largest datasets in the world – one which rivals Apple or Facebook in terms of size.

For example, through its online tracking technology, the company registers over 1 billion keyboard, mouse and touchscreen clicks every month.

It then combines this with detailed records to amass an estimated 12 petabytes (or 12 million gigabytes) of data.

Look, you may have heard data described as “the new oil.”

Data will be the key to launching the coming A.I. revolution.

And this little-known company is the #1 data play in the world.

But almost nobody knows about it – not yet at least.

Despite that, Wired reports it has “profit margins that rival Apple, Google and Amazon’s.”

With several major catalysts on the horizon, it’s only a matter of time before Wall Street and Main Street alike catches on to this story… and they all pile in… driving the share price soaring higher over time

That’s why I predict this hidden play could be one of the biggest A.I. winners of the coming years.

The time to act is now, before everyone else jumps in.

As soon as you claim this upgrade to your subscription below, my first A.I. alert detailing this company will be sent directly to your email.

That way, you’ll be able to get started right away.

From there, I’ll send you urgent A.I. alerts every month… so you never have to worry about missing a single opportunity.

And A.I. Profit Alert is just the beginning.

There’s much more in the way of benefits you’ll get when you claim this new “elite” level upgrade below.

For example…

Until now, in Altucher’s Investment Network, we’ve only covered investments inside the financial market, such as stocks.

But there’s another world of investments outside the financial markets…

Starting today, I want to open them up to you…

Introducing Altucher’s Inner Circle Elite

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my career is that, if you want the chance to make a fortune, you have to look where other people aren’t.

When you think about it, it makes perfect sense…

Most people achieve average results because they make the same investments as everyone else.

If you want above average results, you need to think outside of the box… and act differently.

In other words, you need to find the little-known investments that most people aren’t paying attention to.

That makes sense, right?

And that’s why I created this next new benefit I’m calling Altucher’s Inner Circle Elite.

I’d estimate that 99% of investors only focus on opportunities within financial markets…

Through this new benefit, you’ll be a part of the 1% that’s able to take advantage of opportunities outside of them.

Opportunities such as digital real estate… or NFTs, for example.

There are also other opportunities – like setting up your own cryptocurrency mining operation right at home – so you can make money as you sleep.

This is just scratching the surface of what’s possible when you look outside the financial markets for little-known opportunities.

My new Inner Circle Elite benefit is the ONLY place you’ll find these opportunities.

And that’s still not all…

There are even more benefits you’ll get when you claim this upgrade today.

Much more, in fact.

For example…

The #1 Problem Investors Face Today (And How To Solve It In One Easy Step)

One university study shows the average retail investor underperforms the market by 1.5% per year.

Added up over a lifetime, that 1.5% translates to tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in missed profits.

And for most people, those losses are devastating.

It could mean the difference between a comfortable, carefree retirement… and one spent pinching for pennies.

But do you know why most everyday folks are unable to beat the market?

It isn’t because they don’t have access to enough information to make the right decision…

In fact, the opposite is true.

Most folks have too much information coming their way. And it’s coming at you from every single direction, 24 hours a day.

This information overload is the biggest problem investors face today.

To get ahead, you have to cut through all of this noise.

I’ve made millions of dollars in my investing career. And it’s all thanks to a simple, repeatable process that anyone can follow.

You see, most folks overcomplicate investing.

All you have to do is spot the next big, up-and-coming trend early… such as A.I., electric vehicles or cryptocurrencies, for example.

Then, you have to identify the companies pioneering these trends… and that’s it!

It really is that easy. You just have to tune out the noise and focus on finding the next big trend and the companies working on building it.

That’s how investors can create huge wealth for themselves and their families, starting with little money.

Imagine, back in 1997, realizing e-commerce was a huge trend in the making… and investing in a small company called Amazon.

Or imagine recognizing in the early 2000s that social media would change how we interact with friends and family… and investing early in Facebook.

Chances are your life would be very different right now.

And starting today, this is exactly where I can help you…

My next new benefit boils everything down into one simple call.

Once Per Month We’ll Gather On An Exclusive New Video Call, Where I’ll Show You The Biggest New Trends

With my new monthly Trend Insider Pro calls, you’ll have me and my entire research team by your side every single month.

Our goal is simple.

Once per month, we’ll all get together with you on an exclusive video call…

Where I’ll help you filter out all of the noise…

And walk you through the new emerging trends and opportunities you need to know about.

From fast-moving cryptos that have the potential to explode…

To tiny stocks working on huge innovations in groundbreaking trends like A.I., for example…

And much more.

Now it goes without saying that these types of investments are more speculative – so you should never bet more than you can afford to lose.

But with early-stage opportunities like this, even a small amount of money could give you the chance to walk away with a big windfall over time.

In short, we’ll show you the biggest opportunities available now and how you can take advantage of them for huge early potential.

This is information I won’t be sharing anywhere else… only on these exclusive Trend Insider Pro calls.

And the best part is…

In just a moment you’ll have the chance to claim immediate access to all of these new benefits.

Altucher’s Investment Network Pro

The three new monthly benefits I just mentioned…

  1. A.I. Profit Alert
  2. Altucher’s Inner Circle Elite
  3. Trend Insider Pro calls

Are all part of an exclusive new level to my newsletter that I’m calling Altucher’s Investment Network Pro.

Your Upgrade Includes...

Starting right away today I want to upgrade your Altucher’s Investment Network subscription from the Basic level -- where you are now -- to the new Pro level of service.

Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re currently receiving from Altucher’s Investment Network

And the benefits you’ll get as soon as you claim this new level of service:

Altucher’s Investment Network PRO Benefits Include: Basic PRO

NEW! A.I. Profit Alert

NEW! Altucher’s Inner Circle Elite

NEW! Trend Insider Pro calls

Altucher Confidential

Paradigm Pressroom’s 5 Bullets

Customer Support Team

Of course, you’re more than welcome to stay at the Basic subscription level you’re currently at…

But I’m not sure why you’d choose to forfeit this upgrade when you can claim it today right here on this page.

This Pro level is designed to help you make a fortune in the coming months.

And the best part is you can get started with these new benefits right away.

As soon as you claim your upgrade below, you’ll gain instant access to my new alert The Hidden A.I. Sleeper Play Which Could Make Investors Rich.

That way, you’ll be able to take action within just minutes, if you choose.

Once again, the 2 levels of Altucher’s Investment Network are…

Level 1: Basic

This is the most basic subscription level to Altucher’s Investment Network, which provides you access to my research and recommendations.

It includes my monthly newsletter, model portfolio, and access to my special reports.

The Basic subscription level is what you currently receive.

Level 2: Pro

My elite Altucher’s Investment Network Pro level includes everything you already get with your Basic subscription…

Plus 3 very valuable new benefits:

  1. A.I. Profit Alert
  2. Altucher’s Inner Circle Elite
  3. Trend Insider Pro calls

And the best part is…

As I mentioned, in the future, new subscribers who want access will have to pay $495 to upgrade to this new Pro level.

But because you’re a current reader of Altucher’s Investment Network

I’ve arranged a way for you to upgrade your subscription to the Pro level all at no additional cost to you.

To activate this upgrade, I simply ask that you renew your current subscription at the regular, Basic-level price of just $99.

After you renew your subscription, you will automatically be bumped up to the Pro level… for FREE.

Once that happens, you’ll be able to get started right away with instant access to my urgent alert The Hidden A.I. Sleeper Play Which Could Make Investors Rich.

From there, you’ll receive these new benefits every single month.

Even better…

Taking this action will upgrade you to the Pro level for whatever time is remaining on your current subscription…

PLUS another full year.

In other words, if you have four months remaining on your current subscription right now…

By taking this one simple step today…

You’ll receive Altucher’s Investment Network Pro for those next four months, plus another 12 months — one full year.

That’s a total of 16 months… for the regular published price of the Basic level — just $99.


If (and only if) you decide you want to continue with your Pro level subscription, you won’t pay $495 a year…

You’ll be billed at the same special, basic-level rate of just $99.

That’s 80% savings… every year!

To me, it’s a no-brainer.

But you can decide for yourself, of course.

Here’s How To Get Started Now

To claim your upgrade, simply click on the “Upgrade Now” button below…

You’ll be taken to another page where you can renew your subscription at the Basic pricing of just $99.

As soon as you do, this upgrade will automatically be applied to your subscription…

And you’ll get instant access to all of the new benefits I’ve told you about today plus my new report The Hidden A.I. Sleeper Play Which Could Make Investors Rich.

That way, you can get started immediately.

But once again, this upgrade offer is only available until this Tuesday, December 5.

I encourage you not to waste any time…

To avoid paying $495 to access this Pro level — like folks will soon pay in the future — just click below to renew your subscription now… and you’ll automatically receive your FREE upgrade.


James' Signature

James Altucher
Editor, Altucher’s Investment Network Pro
November 2023

UPGRADE NOW What you get when you upgrade to Altucher’s Investment Network PRO

P.S. As a bonus for responding today, I’ll make your decision to try out this upgrade even easier…

When you upgrade today, not only will I bump you from the Basic level of service to the Pro level (a $495 value), but I’ll also give you an entire 6 months to try it out.

Here’s how it works…

Take a full 6 months to try out this upgraded Pro level.

And if, at any point during those 6 months, for any reason, you decide this upgrade isn’t for you…

Simply call my team and let them know. They’ll issue a full, no-questions-asked refund on your $99 renewal fee and you can continue your Basic subscription for whatever time is remaining.

This offer is the best I can possibly make it…

And if you miss out, you may have to pay $495 later – just like new subscribers who want to upgrade.

Don’t waste any time. You only have until midnight on Tuesday, December 5 to act. Just click below to claim your upgrade now.