From the Desk of Jim Rickards

I Want to Send You The Most Dangerous Book I’ve Read in the Last Decade…

This horrifying book paints a bone-chilling picture of America’s future by the year 2029… And I’m urging everyone I know to read it within the next 30 days, including you.

Hi, Jim Rickards here.

And what I’m holding in my hands is the “most dangerous book” in America right now.

Jim holding a book

It paints a grim picture of our country’s future just a few years from now…in 2029.

But I’m going to recommend you read it in the next 30 days.

Here’s why.

If you’ve been following my work over the last several years, then you know that I’ve penned nine of my own cautionary tales during that time…

With several of them becoming best-sellers.

From my book Aftermath, which predicted something on the scale of a global pandemic would happen with “100% certainty” within the next few years…

(A book that was published four months before the first reported case of the coronavirus by the way).

To The Death of Money where I cautioned that a loss of confidence in our monetary system cannot be restored… and that a new monetary system will be required…

And even my book Currency Wars, where I warned that:

“If you destroy the currency, you destroy all markets and the nation. This is why the currency itself is the ultimate target in any financial war.”

Exactly what we are seeing play out with BRICs on the global stage today.

But this book is one that I’ve come back to multiple times because of its hair-raising accuracy of an America on fire.

The truth is…

This book has caused me to lose more sleep than any other book I’ve read in recent years.

That’s because it’s the only book I know that brings to life the horrifying aftermath of what happens during the fallout out of a massive international currency war…

A war that as I’ll show you in a moment, is playing out as we speak.

So when I say this is America’s “most dangerous book”…

Please don’t take it lightly.

Because even though it’s a fictionalized account of what’s set to take place…

The wreckage it portrays is eerily accurate.

In this book, you’ll see…

In other words…

The picture it paints is a new American nightmare.

One where your comfortable home gets engulfed in the flames of anarchy taking over Palestine… Syria… and Ecuador today.

It happens with almost no warning… and no mercy given for the unprepared…

Which is why I must warn you before you read this book…

It’s not for the faint of heart.

To be honest… it’s downright disturbing.

And even though it’s a work of fiction…

And I’m not sure how things will play out by 2029…

I believe reading this book can help open your eyes to the sorts of possibilities ahead so that you can prepare for the worst while there’s still time.

In fact, this book is so thorough, so well researched, that I’ve decided to re-evaluate the level of service you’re currently receiving as a Strategic Intelligence subscriber.

And I’m adding whole new level to it…

A level that gives you benefits that I believe will better help you weather the coming storm.

Benefits that aren’t for sale anywhere, at any price.

You can think of them as your “three lines of defense” from the coming crisis.

Lines of defense that could help you survive and even thrive as this all plays out.

And even though I may charge as much as $495 for this level of access in the future…

I’m inviting you to upgrade today without having to pay the high fee.

Plus when you accept this invitation, I’ll also send you a copy of the most dangerous book completely free of charge.

But what are these lines of defense I’m adding and why are they so important?

Let me show you exactly what I mean…

Your First Line Of Defense: Protection From The Currency Wars

If you’ve read my book, Currency Wars

You already know that financial markets are the new arena of modern warfare.

And what we’re seeing now…

With the sanctions and strategic financial alliances building up across the globe…

They’re only the first steps.

Truth be told…

Things could get much, much worse in America as the BRICS alliance ramps up its efforts.

But if you know what you are doing, it’s not all bad news…

In fact, this currency shifts present a massive upside for investors.


Let me give you an example.

When Russia threatened Europe’s energy supply back in February of 2022…

Europeans panicked…

And the Euro plummeted in response.

chart: euro plummeted

But if investors had known what to look for…

And had made one simple trade… a type of trade I can show you how to do…

Looking back, those savvy investors could’ve seen a peak gain of 1,300% in only 32 days.

All without touching the Forex market, leveraging your account, or anything like that.

In fact, it’s a little-known way to invest.

One that allows you to target profits 50 to 100x higher than you’d find in traditional trading.

So to say these currency shifts could net you a fortune is an understatement.

And the Euro is far from the only example.

Whether it be Russian rubles…

Or the Chinese yuan…

Which have both seen major currency shifts in the past couple of years…

If you know what to do when a currency takes a dramatic turn…

You can pocket massive gains.

And as I look at the geopolitical landscape…

I believe the opportunities for these currency moves will continue to heat up.

So I don’t want to see you miss out.

That’s why when you accept my offer today, I’m going to start sending you my Real Money Alerts.

These alerts will help you take advantage of the ongoing currency shifts to help shield your portfolio from the next crisis.

Any time my team and I detect a currency shift… we’ll immediately send you a Real Money Alert. That way, you can get in as soon as possible.

Now I want to point out…

Most of these Real Money Alerts will be for foreign currencies.

But don’t worry…

You won’t have to trade in the Forex market or anything like that.

Instead, I’ll send you the alert, and you’ll make the trade in your brokerage account…

Just like you do with all my other recommendations.

I want to make it as simple as possible for you to take advantage of these Real Money Alerts.

Because as I’ve already shown you…

These Real Money Alerts have the potential to beat traditional trades by a landslide…

And with over 180 currencies currently trading on the market…

I want to make sure you’re in on the action.

But as valuable as these currency plays…

They aren’t the only big opportunity my team and I want to share with you today.

These recommendations are just the first of several new benefits you’ll have a chance to unlock.

As part of this new level of service, you’ll also receive…

The Second Line Of Defense: Safeguard Against Systemic Failure

You see, for a decade, “Big Business” enjoyed record profits…

Capital poured in from every direction…

And consumers were spending like bad times would never come again.

But they were all making a huge mistake…

Because in 2022, the tables turned.

And in the first six months of this year, we’ve seen corporate bankruptcy levels that rival the aftermath of the 2008 crisis.

I’m talking about companies like:

All filed for corporate bankruptcy this year.

And the carnage is far from over…

In fact, I predict we’ll continue to see a flood of bankruptcies through at least the next year.

Now for most investors… that’s bad news.

But if you know what company is heading for a crash…

You could be on the receiving end of a huge payday.

The power of these trades is undeniable.

I mean, imagine what even just a few of these big gains could do for your portfolio.

Which is why my team tracks dozens of companies around the clock…

Running them one by one through my proprietary system to discover which ones are about to crash…

Then each month, we issue one recommendation for the stock we think has the best shot to bring home massive returns.

It’s something we call the Monthly Crash Alert.

And I want to send you our next Crash Alert as part of my offer today.

This means when we identify the next crash opportunity… we’ll automatically send you our research along with a trade alert and instructions for how to get in.

To be clear…

These Monthly Crash Alert recommendations are fast-paced option plays with the goal of delivering a shot at outsized returns (unlike regular option bets with little upside).

So they are meant to be big swings…

Making them riskier than the trades I typically recommend in Strategic Intelligence, and you should never invest more than you can afford.

But trades like these are how some of the richest people in America were able to grow their wealth quickly even in down markets.

And it’s how they can provide their families the resources they need to survive almost any scenario…

Which is something I believe will become more and more critical in the next few years.

And brings me to the next benefit I want to share with you…

One you won’t find in other research services.

But I believe you need to have before the next crisis…

The Last Line Of Defense: Surviving Civil Unrest

I want you to think back to the start of 2020.

How fast sections of grocery store shelves went empty…

Riots destroyed towns and cities in a few short hours…

And immediate country-wide lockdowns kept us away from our loved ones.

It’s hard to forget.

Almost overnight…

We realized we’re not immune to the disasters we thought happened in only third-world countries.

Things like widespread pandemics… civil unrest… and supply chain disruptions.

And even though the powers that be would like you to believe they had everything under control… and to think that it won’t happen again…

I’m not optimistic about the next few years.

And I’m sure you’re not either.

Because if you look at the global landscape…

With the continuing war in Ukraine…

China flying warplanes at Taiwan as propaganda…

And now the Israeli war spiraling the Middle East into a state of anarchy…

It’s only a matter of time before another disaster strikes.

Now I’m not saying that Doomsday is here…

Or that you need to move your family into a bomb shelter.

But I also don’t want to see you hung out to dry when the next event inevitably occurs.

That’s why I want you to understand how to be prepared for the most likely crises.

Things like theft…

Natural disasters…

And nationwide supply shortages.

Events that go beyond your savings and investment accounts.

And it’s why I’m including my special Survival Insider report in this new level of service.

This report is full of expert advice you can use to prepare for emergencies like…

And on top of this report…

I’ll send you a new tip every month to add to your arsenal.

A benefit I call Crisis Survival Insider.

Because each month it will help you become more self-reliant…

To protect yourself and your family from whatever happens next.

But that’s still not all.

Since I know the best thing you can do to protect yourself is to understand what you’re preparing for…

This final benefit may be the most valuable thing I’m offering you today.

The Most Important Asset In Times Of Crisis

You see, I want to send you a copy of the most dangerous book in America for free.

Because this book is the closest I can get to dropping you in the middle of what life in America could turn into if de-dollarization becomes a reality.

It’s the first book I hand out when someone asks me what the fallout from the Currency Wars will look like.

And as things sit…

I recommend that you read it within the next 30 days.

Because as history has shown… collapse happens slowly, then all at once.

Take, for example…

The fall of the Soviet Union.

A fall no one in power predicted in advance.

So most people were shocked as they watched the Soviet Union go from global superpower to collapse in three short years.

And no one was more shocked than the Soviets themselves.

In 1929, people thought the good times would never end…

Then Black Tuesday hit, and the country spent the next 29 years trying to survive the Great Depression…

And we all remember 2020 the COVID pandemic… Despite all logic to the contrary…

Our country was needlessly locked down…

We saw food shortages, riots, and even the tearing down of statues as if we were living in a worn torn third world country.

Which is all to say that…

Calm can quickly turn to chaos when you least expect it.

That’s why you need to be prepared.

And that’s why the “Most Dangerous Book” is only the first of many critical works I recommend.

Look, I know that finding the right information is half the battle.

That’s why your Strategic Intelligence subscription already includes my monthly newsletter along with your weekly five links to the most important things I think you should be looking at right now.

But as the next crisis draws closer by the minute…

With this upgrade I’m taking it a step further.

You see, in the intelligence community people are often given “briefing” packages…

So they can get up to speed and have context for the situation at hand quickly.

That’s why, in addition to sending you your free copy of the most dangerous book in America…

I’m also going to add your name to a private reading list that I plan on sending to small group of subscribers.

It’s a curated list of the most valuable books I’ve read over the last few decades.

Books that have helped me guide my readers through every catastrophe in the last 20 years from the 2008 recession…

To the pandemic fallout which resulted in the worst market conditions in 50 years.

It’s a benefit we are calling the Strategic Intelligence Reading List.

This reading list includes the books I believe you must read over the next 12 months to prepare yourself for the next crisis.

You see, it’s designed to point you to the same information I take in every day so you can begin to think more strategically about your next steps.

And while just having access to the same information as I do already gives you a huge advantage…

An advantage that’s typically only included in our highest (and most expensive) research services.

I’m still not done.

On top of connecting you to the most valuable information…

I also want to connect you to the members of my inner circle…

The people I swap high-level ideas with daily.

And that’s what this next benefit is for.

It’s something we’re calling the Quarterly Strategic Intelligence Think Tank.

Which means, that every three months, myself or someone in my extensive network of contacts will host a call…

I’m talking about people like:

On these Quarterly Think Tank calls…

We’ll come together to evaluate the finer points of the books on the Strategic Intelligence Reading List

To give you a chance to ask any questions you might have…

And to think collectively about how to prepare for what’s next alongside some of the best and brightest.

Now, this Quarterly Think Tank is unlike any other benefit we typically offer at this level…

Because it gives you the chance to get on live calls with people like ex-CIA insiders, former military officials, and an entire array of macroeconomists and world class thinkers.

Just imagine how much different it could’ve been if you’d have had access to something like this when the COVID lockdowns were announced… as mass confusion and riots in the streets were at an all time high.

It could’ve been a gamechanger.

That’s why it’s hard to truly put a price tag on just how valuable this benefit is.

And why it is only available when you accept my offer below.

You see, I’ve combined my premier resources…

And put them into a new level of access I’m only offering to current Strategic Intelligence Basic subscribers.

Look, your current level of service is a great start that already puts you ahead of most Americans…

But I believe the benefits I’ve presented you today are the best way to protect not just your portfolio but also your home and your family from every angle.

So what I’m offering is an advanced tier of service I call Strategic Intelligence PRO.

It includes everything you already love about your current Strategic Intelligence subscription…

And upgrades it to a level of service that's never been available before now.

Take a look:

NEW! Rickards’ Reading List ✔️
NEW! Quarterly Think Tank ✔️
Real Money Alert ✔️
Crash Alert Monthly ✔️
Crisis Survival Insider ✔️
Monthly Live Intelligence Briefings ✔️ ✔️
Monthly Strategic Intelligence Issues ✔️ ✔️
Weekly Five Links ✔️ ✔️

If you want to stay at the current level of Strategic Intelligence that you have now, that’s fine…

But when you accept my special offer today, you can take advantage of this new level of PRO service for the same price as you’re already paying.

This means that you get access to a full suite of new benefits for what you’d pay when it was time to renew anyway.

So to recap:

Level 1: BASIC

You currently have a Strategic Intelligence Basic subscription which gives you access to the recommendations inside my model portfolio, my monthly newsletter, exclusive reports, and weekly five links.

Level 2: PRO

But if you accept my offer…

You’ll upgrade your account to Strategic Intelligence PRO.

This upgrade will give you access to all your current benefits, plus:

And I’ll also send you your FREE copy of the most dangerous book in America.

This way, you can take advantage of the PRO level of service for just $99…

The same amount you’re paying for your basic subscription now, plus get access to a slew of other new benefits.

And to make sure you’re getting the most out of this upgrade…

When you accept today, your upgrade starts right away and continues through your next renewal date plus one year.

In other words, if you’re six months into your Strategic Intelligence Basic subscription now…

This upgrade will give you 18 months to Strategic Intelligence PRO at the same price you were going to renew for one year of Strategic Intelligence Basic.

And while new subscribers to Strategic Intelligence PRO might pay as much as $495 a year for the service…

You’ll have your PRO subscription locked in at $99 a year for as long as you choose to subscribe.

This special rate gives you an 80% savings year after year.

You see, I wanted to make this as much of a no-brainer offer as I could for you because I don’t want to see you miss out on these special benefits.

So I’ve done everything I could for you on my end.

And now, the choice is yours.

Here’s How You Can Get Started

When you’re ready to claim your upgrade, simply click the button below…

And you’ll be taken to an order page that will allow you to claim your PRO subscription at the same basic level pricing of $99.

Once you apply your upgrade to your account, you’ll get immediate access to all of the new benefits we've already covered.

That means you could have access to your first trade alerts within the next few minutes…

And your copy of the most dangerous book delivered to your door in the next week.

But please keep in mind…

This upgrade offer is only open until 11:59 p.m. on .

After that, you could pay as much as $495 for this level of PRO service in the future.

So I urge you to make your decision now.

Subscribe Now


Jim Rickards

Strategic Intelligence PRO, Editor
November 2023

P.S. I’m so confident that you’ll see the value in this upgrade that I’m offering a no-questions-asked 6-month guarantee.

If at any point in the next 6 months, you decide the Strategic Intelligence PRO isn’t for you…

Just reach out to our customer service department, and they will return your $99 renewal fee right away.

But I must warn you…

This offer and guarantee are only good until .

Subscribe Now