Only 500 Upgrades Left Available…
Hi, Jim Rickards here…
For the past few days…
Our customer support team has been working nonstop with new members to upgrade their accounts to my controversial patented stock scanning software based on my work with the CIA…
I’ve never created anything quite like this for my readers before…
And I couldn’t be more excited for what’s to come.
We’ve been flooded with calls because they don’t want to miss out on what’s happening this week.
These subscribers are making an exciting change to their accounts...
A simple upgrade that will give them the scanning software and information they need to trade faster, and stronger than ever before.
Thousands of brave readers like yourself have already locked in this upgrade…
But we only have 500 spots remaining for this week.
So if you’re seeing this video in time, you’re in luck, there’s still some available spots.
Now I was looking at the list of people who have upgraded...
And I noticed your name is NOT on it.
Let me repeat that...
If you’re receiving this message, it means your name is not on this list.
Which means you could miss out on this software upgrade that will be taken down when the timer above reaches zero…
Or when we hit our 500 person limit.
Whichever comes first.
That’s why this is so urgent...
So what exactly is happening this week?
In just a moment I’m going to play a private interview that you won’t find on YouTube or Facebook…
A video that will reveal secrets that I’ve used to predict terrorist attacks on behalf of the CIA…
And now…
Thanks to obtaining the rights to patent #10803522…
We can apply this intelligence to the financial markets, helping us to predict the biggest moves in the markets that no one could possibly see coming.
In diligent back testing, we’ve seen it could’ve gotten ahead of…
Oil stock Occidental Petroleum BEFORE Russia invaded Ukraine for 214% gains…
SPDR Gold Trust BEFORE a massive Fed interest rate announcement for 240% gains…
AI stock Nvidia BEFORE a great earnings report for 313% gains…
Banking stock Goldman Sachs BEFORE Trump’s surprise 2016 election win for 328% gains…
Even medical stock Moderna BEFORE Covid broke out for 564% gains…
Please, if you do anything today…
Stop what you’re doing and listen closely as I reveal all the details on my brand-new patented stock scanning software.
Once you see this interview and live demo of this software…
Your view of the stock market…
And predicting your trades’ success will never be the same...
No matter if the markets are booming… or crashing…
You can leverage this intelligence to help stay AHEAD of the markets.
What you’re about to see might sound unbelievable…
But it’s 100% based on facts…
And my work at the CIA.
Pay close attention...
Because at the end of this short interview…
You’ll see exactly what you need to do to get your account properly upgraded.
Thank you for listening…
And enjoy.
Doug Hill
Jim Rickards, the man who was asked by the Nixon administration to help plan the US Saudi petrodollar agreement…
Asked by the Reagan administration to help end the Iranian hostage crisis….
Facilitated the Pentagon's first ever financial War Games…
Warned Congress of the impending financial crisis – and even used the stock market to help the CIA catch terrorists…
Is ready to go public with what he says is “the most important project of his life…”
After nearly 20 years spent secretly working on a classified CIA program protected by the full weight and power of the U.S. government…
After more than twenty million dollars invested in research and development…
And after obtaining the rights to patent #10803582 to protect this project…
Jim is finally ready to reveal a market discovery that could have a major impact on your financial life in 2024.
He calls it, “Project Prophecy 2.0.”
You see, Jim first spearheaded Project Prophecy for the CIA more than two decades ago…
It was designed to tip off government officials about surprising and potentially detrimental political and economic events like terrorist attacks…
BEFORE they happen…
But today, Jim Rickards is using his experience from this former CIA initiative to find hidden patterns in the stock market, giving YOU an unfair advantage for the first time ever.
Take a look….
Gains as high as 274%, 328%, even 618% in a matter of days!
And all this is possible no matter if stocks are shooting up or crashing down.
You’ll see all the proof here today.
Folks this is unlike any other project Jim has ever done before…
Project Prophecy 2.0 is NOT another newsletter… It’s NOT another trading service…
Folks, this new patented project gives you 24/7 access to powerful financial data that could change the way you trade and invest forever…
This is truly ground-breaking stuff, and in the next few minutes, Jim will discuss the details on three brand-new opportunities JUST identified by Project Prophecy 2.0 that he believes you need to act on immediately…
Meaning that just a few days from now you could as much as double, triple, even multiply your money seven times over.
So, make sure to get out a pen and paper and eliminate all outside distractions…
Because it’s time to get started.
Hello everyone, my name is Doug Hill.
And I’ll be your host for today’s historic event.
I’m here with the man of the hour, Jim Rickards.
Jim, how are you? It’s great to see you.
Jim Rickards
I’m doing great, Doug. I can’t believe the day has finally arrived.
Doug Hill
Yes, I’ve been hearing rumors about your secret Project Prophecy for over a decade now.
Jim Rickards
That’s right. As you just mentioned, I’ve been working on Project Prophecy for nearly 20 years now…
I’m talking about thousands of hours of testing and analysis…. not to mention more than $20 million dollars have been invested into research and development…
But now that I’ve obtained the rights to this patent from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office…
I’m finally ready to reveal everything about Project Prophecy 2.0 today.
Doug Hill
This is so exciting. Let’s jump right in, shall we?
Can you tell us what this new project is all about?
Jim Rickards
Of course.
This technology has some of the strongest predictive power I’ve seen in all my years of finance Doug…
And that’s the essence of Project Prophecy 2.0.
It uses a proprietary algorithm and patented software designed to track unusual trading activity in real time, on some occasions even making it possible to spot what insiders and people with special, high-level information are doing with their money.
Now for obvious reasons, I can’t reveal the entire patented formula here.
But you can see part of its code on your screen now.
Project Prophecy hosts over 13.4 billion rows of data…
Its analyzed more than 134 million historical trades and counting…
And it scans over 1.3 million items daily, just for starters!
Doug Hill
Holy crap Jim, I can’t even fathom how much computing power that must take…
Jim Rickards
It’s over one terabyte of data, Doug…
That’s the equivalent to 1,300 physical filing cabinets full of paper.
And until recently, this type and amount of predictive power wasn’t possible…
I’m talking about a patent protected proprietary software that can potentially tip you off to major macroeconomic and market moves days even weeks before they take place.
That is the essence of Project Prophecy 2.0.
It is a brand-new trading software designed to change the way folks trade and invest forever.
And Doug, I want to be clear, Project Prophecy 2.0 just alerted me to THREE new opportunities poised for massive gains in the coming days.
Something big is happening in the market – something that I believe no one sees coming.
I’ll share the details with everyone watching in just a moment, because I believe that those who prepare and know how to play these signals to their advantage in advance, could make 2024 one of the best financial years of their lives.
And don’t worry… you don’t need to learn how to code… know anything about AI… or even need to understand any of technical analysis in order to profit from these types of moves.
That’s because Project Prophecy 2.0 combs through all the data and signals to you when something big is happening.
Doug Hill
Well, that is certainly good to know… I know my days of completing complex math equations are long gone.
Do you have some examples of the system at work that you could show us?
Jim Rickards
Definitely. My team and I ran the system on multiple years of historical data to highlight some of the most prominent examples for this talk.
So, let’s get right into it shall we…
Now Doug, the unfortunate truth is that war is more prominent today than it has been in decades…
Take a look at this chart…
You can see here there was a spike in unusual activity – exactly what Project Prophecy is designed to flag – in defense stock Lockheed Martin.
Which meant a trade opportunity was about to present itself.
And sure enough…
Just six days later Russian military forces invaded Ukraine from Belarus:
This move sent shockwaves around the globe…
And after the invasion…
The Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. almost immediately began sending weapons to Ukraine made by the likes of Lockheed Martin, such as Javelin anti-tank missiles and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.
Doug Hill
Jim, it's no wonder defense stocks like Lockheed Martin began to explode after this news.
That’s a massive bump in revenue for them.
Jim Rickards
But unless you worked inside the government and were given a heads up that the U.S. was going to make this move…
There was no way for you to know about this in advance.
But the markets obviously “knew” something was up, as you can see in the Lockheed chart…
With one simple trade…
It was possible to take home gains as high as 274%.
Doug Hill
That’s more than triple your money in a matter of days!
Jim Rickards
It is Doug…
And it didn’t stop with Lockheed…
There was also unusual activity in General Dynamics, the global aerospace and defense company, right before Russia invaded Ukraine… See it here?
Getting ahead of this move could’ve led to as much as a 200% gain in just a few days.
The formula is simple…
Project Prophecy 2.0 screens for these sorts of opportunities as they develop.
Wait for the system to flash blue…
Then watch as the news plays out!
Do you see now how game-changing my Project Prophecy system can be?
Doug Hill
Definitely, Jim…
Jim Rickards
As far as I’m aware…
And today I’m going to show you how you can get your hands on this software yourself.
Of course, there is no such thing as absolute certainty when it comes to the stock market…
Which means no prediction is right 100% of the time.
But it’s been designed to help “predict” even the most unpredictable market events you can think of.
And when it does trigger, we tend to find many opportunities at the same time.
Doug Hill
How many are we talking Jim?
Jim Rickards
Well back when the Russia / Ukraine war began…
Our historical analysis shows that Project Prophecy 2.0 didn’t just find unusual activity for defense stocks.
It began flashing for oil and gas stocks as well.
Take a look at these charts on your screen.
Here you see Chevron, Occidental Petroleum, and Valero Energy…
See the blue spikes, Doug?
Doug Hill
Yep, Jim, I see them now…
Jim Rickards
Well shortly after, something interesting happened…
On March 8th, blundering Biden put a ban on Russian oil…
Creating chaos in the oil markets.
CNBC published a story with the headline:
“Crude oil jumps as much as 7% on U.S. ban of Russian imports”
The article went on to explain…
“Given Russia’s key role in global energy supply, the global economy could soon be faced with one of the largest energy supply shocks ever”
Just take a look at what happened to these three stocks as the chaos began to play out.
It’s unfortunate, because by the time regular folks like you heard about this from CNBC…
It was already too late to profit.
But had someone placed a few simple trades on these stocks when the unusual activity was triggered inside of Project Prophecy 2.0 …
It was possible to see up to 100% gains from Valero…
200% gains from Chevron…
And 250% gains from Occidental petroleum!
This is the power of the patented Project Prophecy system, Doug.
And because you’re in and out of the market in two months or less on average…
You aren’t exposing yourself to long-term market volatility.
Imagine how that kind of money would change your life!
Doug Hill
It truly seems like Project Prophecy is a game-changer for regular retail investors.
Jim Rickards
That’s the single goal here, Doug.
To finally get my readers hands on access to this patent protected system.
Because the truth is…
The investing game is rigged, it always has been, and it always will be!
And without a system like Project Prophecy 2.0, the little guy is always going to be left on the sidelines.
As you can tell by now…
Government officials around the world often are directly involved in these surprising macro events…
And because of their “insider” position…
They have access to privileged information.
That’s extremely valuable.
And all the proof is there…
Take a look at this article from Business Insider…
It goes on to explain that at least 20 federal lawmakers or their spouses will profit from investments in Raytheon Technologies and Lockheed Martin…
The two major defense companies that manufacture the weapons the U.S. sent to Ukraine to fight Russian invaders, according to an Insider analysis of federal financial records.
Among those investing in the defense contractors is one politician who I’ll keep nameless here. He purchased Raytheon stock on February 24 — the day Russia invaded Ukraine.
But it doesn’t stop there. Reports show that congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene bought Lockheed Martin shares on February 22.
And two days after her purchase, Greene wrote in a Twitter thread: "War is big business to our leaders."
Doug Hill
You’ve got to be kidding me Jim, she admitted to that?
Jim Rickards
You can see the tweet right here…
Now shockingly… Shortly after these moves were made by these politicians…
A $40 billion Ukraine aid package was approved.
Does that seem fair to you?
Was this all just a coincidence?
Doug Hill
I don’t possibly see how it could be Jim…
I mean these politicians HAVE to know something is up before these moves are made.
Jim Rickards
There’s no way to know for sure, Doug.
And for the record, there’s nothing illegal about it.
By no means am I accusing anyone of crimes…
I’m just presenting you with my research and the facts.
Which happen to show how quote unquote “insiders” are able to benefit from these big moves while “main street” doesn’t.
But here’s the deal, even though I have connections that go from CEOs of major banks and members of the Federal Reserve…
All the way to the US Treasury and the White House…
I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth.
I grew up in a typical middle-class family in New Jersey.
My father even went bankrupt when I was growing up.
So even though I constantly rub shoulders with government officials and the so-called global elite…
I always knew it wasn’t fair for them to get richer…
While the little guys feed on the table scraps in the markets.
That’s why I’m so excited to “declassify” Project Prophecy for everyone today.
Doug Hill
I understand how this is coming full circle now Jim.
The way I see it…
It seems like Project Prophecy is the key for everyday folks to beat these government insiders at their own game…
By having the chance to get ahead of big policy moves before they’re announced to the public…
And by getting ahead of surprising political and economic events…
You can potentially double, triple or even multiply your money many times over… in a matter of days.
Jim Rickards
You got it.
And get this Doug…
If a non-insider is making a huge bet on a stock…
There’s a very good chance they may know something everyone else doesn’t.
This is the type of unusual activity identified in the Project Prophecy 2.0 system.
Doug Hill
Ok great… So, this isn’t just another newsletter service at all…
Do you think you could take us inside the system?
Jim Rickards
Yeah of course Doug… I’ll go into full detail here in a few minutes but here’s a little sneak peek for the folks at home.
(to camera team) Guys. could we pull up the system for a moment?
Okay great thank you…
Doug so this is exactly what Project Prophecy 2.0 looks like…
It’s great because you can search pretty much any stock out there and find the information you need with a click of a button.
Here you can see a chart, below the main stock chart.
That right there is our secret sauce.
In each of these examples you can see the bottom chart spike… Shortly followed by the stock exploding upwards.
Doug Hill
Ok so let me get this straight Jim… so thanks to this patent you’ve obtained…
Everyday folks can now use this data and information to get ahead of big stock moves too?
Jim Rickards
That’s right Doug… Simply put, Project Prophecy 2.0 can allow you to potentially get ahead of surprising political and economic events that trigger big market moves…
BEFORE these things hit the news headlines.
I’m about to show you how it’s alerted ahead of …
Surprise election results…
A major announcement from the Fed…
A new drug approval by the FDA…
You see, Project Prophecy is designed to help us get ahead of any UNEXPECTED news that could trigger an explosion in a related stock in as little as ONE DAY……
News that only government officials or company insiders can possibly know about.
Doug Hill
I’m sorry to be skeptical here Jim…
But is this even legal?? This type of inside information?
Jim Rickards
I understand your skepticism Doug…
And yes, I realize the Project Prophecy system can give you an unfair advantage…
But it’s also 100% legal.
I just obtained the rights to patent #10803582 to protect this system.
And it’s the ONLY way I know for regular investors like us to have the chance to get ahead of BIG macroeconomic events…
And potentially double, triple, even multiply your money many more times over in a matter of days.
Doug Hill
And you said that 3 new opportunities have just been flagged by Project Prophecy 2.0?
Jim Rickards
And I promise to give everyone watching here today the full details on each of these plays.
Doug Hill
Well, I can’t wait to hear about these new opportunities…
But so far, you’ve shown us how Project Prophecy identified a handful of trade opportunities before the Russian invasion of Ukraine…
By chance, do you have any more examples of Project Prophecy 2.0 at work?
Jim Rickards
Absolutely… As I said, we applied this system to multiple years of market data to see what it would have spotted.
For example…
Doug Hill
2020? You’re talking about the COVID year?
Jim Rickards
But let’s not get into that can of worms right now…
What you do need to know is that in late February is when Project Prophecy 2.0 spiked for the pharmaceutical company Moderna.
You see it, Doug?
Doug Hill
Clear as day Jim…
Jim Rickards
Easy to spot right?
Now here’s the thing… At the time the unusual market activity was spotted, the stock was going nowhere.
There wasn’t any news involving the company…
No earnings report… nothing.
But the fact the system was triggered meant something big was about to happen.
And sure enough…
Just days later, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.
The shocking news lit a fire under shares of Moderna as it was poised to be one of the key players in the vaccine race.
But unless you worked for the company or had some insider intel from the government…
There was no way for you to know how big the COVID pandemic was going to be.
And no way for you to know that Moderna was going to receive billions in government funding for the vaccine.
If you had waited for the news to break…
It would have been too late to profit from Moderna’s big move.
But by taking action and placing a simple trade when Project Prophecy 2.0 spiked…
It was possible to take home a gain as high as 564% in just under 3 months.
Take a look…
Imagine making more than 6 times your money from just one trade?
Incredible, right?
Doug Hill
It truly is Jim…
I mean during all that chaos…
Empty grocery shelves… One of the biggest one-day market crashes in history…
You’re saying Project Prophecy 2.0 could have tipped you off to a big move in Moderna stock?
Jim Rickards
Well again, these are just historical examples with the benefit of hindsight, they would have required perfect timing… this just shows the power of what’s at stake here.
You can see, it really pays to get ahead of these major macroeconomic events…
And as you already saw earlier with Project Prophecy 2.0 it can be drop dead simple to spot.
Doug Hill
Right… You’re in and out.
Jim Rickards
Exactly, with Project Prophecy 2.0 at your side there’s no need to leave your portfolio exposed to black swan events like covid.
Instead, you can leverage them to potentially profit!
You see, this AI system doesn’t need breaks, it doesn’t take vacation, it doesn’t get sick…
And because Project Prophecy is always running…
There are fast-money opportunities like this all the time, in all different sectors of the market.
Doug Hill
This is great stuff…
I’m so glad to be here today because I’ve heard you mention many times over the years that Project Prophecy is the most important project of your career.
But Jim, how exactly is this different from other projects you’ve done in the past?
Jim Rickards
Well, Doug, I have never done ANYTHING like this…
There’s nothing else like it out there, which is why I’m so happy to finally bring it to my readers.
I’ll actually take you back inside the system itself here in a few minutes and give you a full rundown of all the bells and whistles it has plus how easy it is to use…
It’s all thanks to patent #10803582.
Doug Hill
Ok good, well if you don’t mind, how did this all come about?
Jim Rickards
The truth is
You see, the CIA uncovered evidence that terrorists and their associates often get involved in the markets right BEFORE big attacks.
Just look at what happened during the 9/11 attacks.
Four days before the planes hit the Twin Towers…
Someone made huge bets against shares of American Airlines and United Airlines…
Doug Hill
What? That can’t be true, can it?
Jim Rickards
It 100% is Doug, and those airlines were the operators of the four flights that were hijacked on 9/11.
All signs indicate someone - whether that be financial backers, family, or friends - KNEW the attack was going to happen…
On the Chicago Board Options Exchange during the week before September 11th, put options were purchased on American and United Airlines, the two airlines involved in the attacks.
The investors who placed these orders were gambling that in the short term the stock prices of both Airlines would plummet.
Never before on the Chicago Exchange were such large amounts of United and American Airlines options traded.
After the attack, shares of those two airlines collapsed as you can see here.
It was a horrible time…
Thousands of Americans' lives were taken. We were right in the middle of one of the darkest moments in our history.
But according to the SEC, the investors who bet against the airlines netted a profit of at least $5 million after the September 11th attacks.
Doug Hill
That’s absolutely disgusting Jim…
Jim Rickards
I agree.
Which is why when the CIA called my office in New York shortly after the attacks and asked me to join a top-secret project… to help them use market data to predict the next terrorist attack…
I immediately said, “Yes, count me in!”
Doug Hill
I don’t know what to say, I honestly had no idea all of that went down…
Jim Rickards
Most people don’t Doug.
But I believe the CIA recruited me for a few reasons.
First, I was an expert in Islamic banking. I had helped Western banks like Citibank expand their business in Islamic countries)…
Second, I was a portfolio manager, lawyer, and economist with 30+ years of experience…
And third, I was no stranger to the US government.
I helped them diffuse a major banking crisis in the late 1990s involving a hedge fund called long term capital management.
Given my unique background, I soon became a director of Project Prophecy, where I led a team of over 100 experts…
This included Nobel Prize winners, hedge fund managers, stock exchange executives, and computer hackers.
Our goal was clear…
If the CIA could develop a system to analyze unusual market activity, such as huge bets against airlines with no apparent reason.
They could use that system to predict and thwart the next 9/11.
Doug Hill
Okay I’m following here…
So, what happened next?
Jim Rickards
We spent years developing a prototype of a Project Prophecy system…
Using Artificial Intelligence, applied mathematics, news feeds, price feeds, and computing and human oversight.
Truth be told… We honestly had no idea if it would work…
And less than 72 hours later, something incredible happened…
CNN published the following breaking news: Police: Plot to blow up aircraft foiled…
There had been a plot to blow up an American Airlines flight to New York in mid-air using chemicals in innocent-looking liquid form.
The plot was "intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale," Metropolitan Police Deputy Commissioner Paul Stephenson said.
Some flights would have been heading from the UK to New York, Washington D.C. and California.
Doug Hill
That’s incredible Jim… So, Project Prophecy literally picked up on a terrorist attack before it happened?
Jim Rickards
It did, and nothing makes me prouder than serving this great country.
I take great pride in being an American patriot…
In fact, after Project Prophecy’s initial success, we were ready at that point to build a more robust version for the CIA and sought additional funding.
But unfortunately, the CIA decided not to move forward with the project.
Doug Hill
What? Why would they do that? Especially after its success?
Jim Rickards
Mainly for political reasons of course. You know how power-hungry certain folks can get with their different viewpoints.
But in the end, the plug was pulled and I moved on to other projects…
But I never lost sight of the potential predictive power that we had discovered in Project Prophecy.
I learned that the techniques I developed were useful far beyond the realm of counterterrorism.
They could be used for any kind of geopolitical threats carried out in capital markets.
They can tip you off about surprising political and economic events BEFORE they happen, allowing regular investors to potentially get ahead of major market moves…
All you have to do is spot the insider activity, then make one simple move…
And potentially double, triple even multiply your money many times over in a matter of days!
Doug Hill
Ok, and now for the first time ever, thanks to this new patent you’ve obtained, every-day Americans can utilize Project Prophecy? Not just the CIA?
Jim Rickards
This is why I am calling it Project Prophecy 2.0.
After clueless government bureaucrats ignored my warnings about the financial collapse in 2007, I vowed to take my findings directly to the American people.
The fact is, you just can’t trust the government to look after your best interests or act on your behalf.
That’s why I’m carrying Project Prophecy forward today — creating a 2.0 version…
To help give every day Americans the information they need to avoid financial disaster and profit from the information normally reserved for insiders.
Since the 2000s, technology has advanced far beyond what we had available at the CIA because of advances in computing power and artificial intelligence, among others.
Just think about it for a minute…
Artificial intelligence has become shockingly capable in the past year. And the technology has a long runway ahead of it…
The latest chatbots like Chat GPT can have full on conversations with you, write college essays, even pass law exams and write computer code…
But it wasn’t always this way.
Just a couple years ago, AI couldn’t even form full sentences.
Doug Hill
Well, what has changed that made this new AI rise possible?
Jim Rickards
In short it has to do with something called graphics processing units, or “GPUs,” Doug.
These computer chips that were commonly used for video games, actuallyoffer immense computing power and excel at running tasks simultaneously, a key requirement for training artificial intelligence models.
And now, thanks to new technological advancements… These GPUs have become cheaper and more powerful than ever.
Doug Hill
This is why Nvidia’s stock has risen so much, right?
Jim Rickards
You got it…
Matter of fact…
In its recent report on AI, Stanford’s Human-Centered AI group provided some context.
GPU performance “has increased roughly 7,000 times” since 2003 and price per performance is “5,600 times greater,” it reported.
Doug Hill
Okay I see what you’re saying…
So, in other words, Project Prophecy is coming to life thanks to developments in AI that we have never seen before.
Jim Rickards
That’s right…
The power of Artificial Intelligence technology is night and day to what we had back in the 2000s at the CIA…
and allow them to leverage this new intelligence that can make the difference between a wealthy retirement and an insecure retirement.
This is an opportunity for everyday folks to avoid being blindsided by big market moves, and instead be able to get ahead of these moves for a chance at big profits.
Doug Hill
I know this is something that folks really would value… Events like COVID, geopolitical conflict, and election surprises can really shift the market in the blink of an eye.
Being prepared for them could completely change the outlook of their financial success.
But here’s a question for you…
Earlier we talked about how it's possible to leverage Project Prophecy 2.0 to even help you profit in a down market? How is that possible?
Jim Rickards
Well, let me show you another historical example we found in our research… and I’ll let you be the judge.
As you can see here just a few days after flashing blue for Moderna…
Project Prophecy 2.0 actually flashed red for the SPY…
Doug Hill
The index that tracks the S&P 500?
Jim Rickards
And on March 4th, 2020, the system picked up unusual activity for the index…
But this time, to the downside.
Doug Hill
Ok I see the red spike Jim…
Jim Rickards
Good, now look at what happened next…
The index went on to plummet 35% over the following days…
Even though the first official case of COVID wasn’t reported in the U.S. until March 9th.
Did board members on Wall Street get the heads-up stocks were about to tank?
Or was it government officials who had inside knowledge of how big of a problem COVID really was?
I’m just going to let the facts speak for themselves.
Because according to The Hill…
Four senators sold hundreds of thousands of dollars in stocks within days of the Senate holding a classified briefing on the threat of the coronavirus outbreak.
Coincidence? That’s for you to decide…
All I know is that the everyday American, folks like you and me, were kept completely in the dark and watched their brokerage accounts get crushed.
But it didn’t have to be that way.
Of course, if someone had just bought the index like most folks do, they would have lost their shirt…
But I recommend making a special type of trade that can really maximize your gains.
Because by placing this special trade when Project Prophecy 2.0 flashed red for the SPY…
Doug Hill
Wow, okay…
So, it really is possible to profit from both bullish news and bearish news…
Jim Rickards
Doug Hill
Ok, I think I’m starting to see how your system could really help a lot of folks deal with all the volatility that comes with big macroeconomic events.
Jim Rickards
It’s a game-changer, Doug.
That’s why as soon as I was able to get my hands on this patent… I knew I had to get this information to my readers.
As you know, I’ve spent the last 40 years working in the financial industry.
And as a former lawyer, I know the importance of protecting intellectual property.
So, I wanted to wait until not only was this patent filed, but completely approved to roll it out.
We’ve spared no expense on this project.
Doug Hill
Yeah, I think you mentioned before that there’s been more than $20 million invested into this project…
Jim Rickards
That’s right…
And an all-star team was put together to create this proprietary patent-protected system…
This includes an executive who worked at the largest bank headquartered in Washington DC.
Not to mention multiple executives from Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, UBS and Credit Suisse…
Within that group there's an ex-head of global equities and an ex-head of risk.
We've also teamed up with data scientists and consultants from the famous Cambridge University in Boston…
The list goes on and on.
Doug Hill
Wow I had no idea you tapped into all these resources.
But I do have to ask…
What exactly makes Project Prophecy 2.0 so different from other market indicators and systems out there? In other words, what’s the secret sauce?
Jim Rickards
Well first of all…
It’s virtually impossible to catch those moves without a system like Project Prophecy 2.0.
Before today, this breakthrough simply wasn’t available to regular folks like you.
Its predictive power has shown the ability to prophesize even the most “unpredictable” political and economic events…
Giving us the opportunity to get AHEAD of big market moves that nobody expects…
And potentially see 100%, 300%, even 600% gains in a matter of days…
And this is really only possible because Project Prophecy 2.0 looks at data points nobody else looks at.
Doug Hill
Interesting… Like what Jim?
Jim Rickards
Well for starters, every other system on earth that I’m aware of is based on price data.
They only trigger a “buy” signal when the price changes… aka, AFTER the big moves.
Meaning by the time you get in, it’s already too late to catch big gains.
But Project Prophecy 2.0 is totally different…
As you’ve already seen some today, it’s a new powerful way of making money… And it’s all about getting AHEAD of everyone else…
BEFORE big price moves.
That’s why it’s protected by Patent #10803582.
We’re using it with the sole purpose of finding hidden patterns in the market that humans simply can’t see.
In fact, inside Project Prophecy 2.0 I’ve even developed my own proprietary scanners that I use to give folks my top stocks every single week.
I’ll explain this more in a moment but Doug, of all the other systems you’ve seen before…
How many of their creators went through the legal process of obtaining a patent?
Doug Hill
Honestly? None that I’m aware of Jim.
Jim Rickards
Exactly. And does that surprise you?
Think about all the time invested… All the legal fees…
This has been in the works for years now… And I’m finally ready to roll it out.
Its predictive power has been proven time and time again.
Here’s another example for you. Running the system on data from November 2016, we can see several stocks were flashing in the Project Prophecy 2.0 system.
Doug, do you remember what was going on in America then?
Doug Hill
Hmm 2016… Not off the top of my head, no?
Jim Rickards
We were actually right in the thick of the presidential election.
Doug Hill
Ah that's right… Trump vs Clinton!
Jim Rickards
Yes sir.
And right up until election night, the so-called experts were giving Hillary a 98% chance of winning.
It seemed foolish for anyone to go on live TV and tell the world that all the pundits were wrong… Claiming that Trump would win.
But that’s exactly what I did on November 8.
Doug Hill
I remember that Jim…
I actually think we have that clip on record if we could get the video team to play it for us??
Got it?
Okay great, here we go…
You certainly called it Jim… The polls were dead wrong!
Jim Rickards
That’s right… As you can see…
But here’s what I did NOT say on TV…
Behind the scenes, the Project Prophecy 2.0 system was working to analyze these types of “unpredictable” events, including the election.
And leading up to Election Day…
Project Prophecy was flashing all kinds of signals.
For example, on November 2nd, one week before the election…
It spiked for Goldman Sachs…
Doug Hill
The financial group?
Jim Rickards
And just days later… BOOM!
Shares of Goldman exploded after the surprise election result was announced.
Doug Hill
Interesting, why do you think that was?
Jim Rickards
Well, investors began to bet that the bank would see success in the Trump era thanks to less regulation and more mergers and acquisitions.
Was the Project Prophecy 2.0 signal on Goldman telling us Trump would win?
I can only show you what the system flagged…
But here’s what I do know…
Goldman insiders certainly cashed out from Trump’s election win…
Doug Hill
Really? Like who?
Jim Rickards
Just take a look at this article from Bloomberg…
The report from Bloomberg says COO Gary Cohn netted $1.6 million… CEO Lloyd Blankfein took home $1.1 million and David Viniar, the former CFO, netted $1.1 million as well.
In other words, insiders made millions from this move while millions of Americans were shocked at Trump’s victory.
But had Project Prophecy 2.0 been in place… Regular investors could’ve profited too.
With up to a 328% gain in just days from placing a trade after the unusual activity was identified by the system.
But Doug, what if I told you that you could have made even more money from Trump’s election win…
Doug Hill
Well of course I’d be interested… Tell me more!
Jim Rickards
So, Project Prophecy 2.0 also spiked for US Steel one day before the election. Take a look…
Shares of US Steel exploded even higher than Goldman.
And it was possible to see up to a 400% gain from its move!
Doug Hill
And why do you think shares of US Steel went up, Jim?
Jim Rickards
This all had to do with Trump's $1 trillion infrastructure plan that he had promised leading up to the election.
If implemented, that could be expected to lead to additional demand for steel, obviously an important component in many infrastructure products…
So essentially the election surprise injected a quick boom into steel related stocks.
From those two simple trades around Trump’s election win…
It was possible to see up to 700% gains in a matter of weeks…
Doug Hill
I mean how great is that… watching “crooked Hillary” lose the election…
And multiplying your money 8 times over in the process!
Jim Rickards
Right? Can you think of a better election result?
Keep in mind…
Trump was declared the winner at 2:30 in the morning on November 9th.
Shares of those companies EXPLODED instantly…
But by the time the markets opened, it was already too late to profit from this move.
You had to be IN the trade before the election result was announced.
And I believe that was only possible for two groups of people:
It truly is a game-changer for regular investors who would otherwise always be one step behind.
And here’s the best part about this system…
Because you’re in and out of these trades so quickly…
Your money isn’t overly exposed to black swans and other unexpected risks.
Look, if you think government officials and insiders around the world are pulling strings behind the scenes…
And making decisions that have a direct impact on YOUR retirement accounts…
As you’ve just seen… You’re 100% right.
And if you don’t have access to the world’s most powerful predictive tool…
I guarantee you’ll always be caught by surprise.
Just like you were when Trump won the election…
When COVID was declared a pandemic…
And when Russia invaded Ukraine.
But here’s the thing…
Project Prophecy doesn’t just identify unusual market activity with big macroeconomic events…
Let me show you…
Doug Hill
Okay great…
Jim Rickards
Just look at what happened in the summer of 2018.
And sure enough…
Just six days later, CNBC reported that shares of the company exploded after the company presented preliminary data for its experimental treatment for patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
This is a rare genetic disease that causes muscle wasting and can be fatal before patients turn 30.
Now again, I’m not saying anyone did anything illegal here… far from it. There are plenty of legal ways for company, industry or government insiders to find out about this kind of news before it breaks.
I’m just showing the facts and research my team and I found.
And unless you worked for Sarepta, or had some kind of insider connection…
I don’t believe there was any way for you to know that they were going to make this press release.
In fact, this good news couldn’t have come at a better time for the company…
Doug Hill
Why is that?
Jim Rickards
Well to the naked eye there was actually no reason to be bullish on Sarepta. Earlier that month, one of their programs SRP-9001 was actually put on clinical hold by the FDA.
Doug Hill
Wow okay, so obviously not good news for the company.
Jim Rickards
You wouldn’t think so Doug…
But Project Prophecy 2.0 had picked up on some unusual activity in the stock anyway…
And with one simple bet when the system was triggered…
It was possible to turn Sarepta’s surprising press release into a big payday.
Bringing in a quick 206% gain!
Just look at the chart Doug, Sarepta stock had been sitting idle for months…
Again, instead of being stuck on the sidelines as this stock soared…
You would have walked away with a fortune…
Without leaving your money exposed to long-term market volatility.
But take a look at this, Doug.
Here’s another example that I think everyone knows quite well today…
On May 16th, 2023, Project Prophecy 2.0 flashed blue for the AI chip company Nvidia…
Doug Hill
Nvidia? So, this new system identifies moves on big and small stocks alike, then?
Jim Rickards
That’s right, Doug.
The system is running 24/7/365, that way it can alert us to anything going on in any sector of the market.
And it doesn’t matter what you may think of the stock… Whether you like Nvidia or not… If Project Prophecy 2.0 is triggered, the potential to make money is there!
That’s the beauty of having a system like this at work for you… It can help take the human biased element out of things…
Now as you can see in the chart here, there was a massive amount of insider activity going on.
Was something big about to happen for Nvidia?
Well, about a week later CNN reported that the:
In other words,
Nvidia had a MASSIVE one-day move thanks to its great earnings report.
So, no doubt this was great news for the stock…
But unless you had inside knowledge of this report…
There was no way for you to know that shares of Nvidia were poised to surge.
And yet, Project Prophecy 2.0 “knew it” days ahead of time…
By placing a simple trade when the system was triggered…
It was possible to see as much as a 313% gain in just two week’s time from a surprise earnings announcement…
Doug Hill
And you’re able to do all this without risking your hard-earned money in long-term market plays?
Jim Rickards
No investment is a guarantee, so I always say not to bet anything you can’t afford to lose. But that’s what makes this top-secret system I’ve developed from what I learned at the CIA such a revolutionary tool.
So now instead of being caught off guard by unexpected events…
You have the chance to get AHEAD of them…
And to get positioned for the big moves… BEFORE they happen.
Moves that have been making insiders rich for years…
Doug Hill
This truly is ground-breaking Jim…
I don’t know anyone with your background bringing this type of information to their readers.
Jim Rickards
You see, just like terrorists left footprints in the market BEFORE the 9/11 attacks…
As you’ve seen here today, other investors who might have privileged information also tend to leave footprints BEFORE major macroeconomic events…
By placing unusual trades in the market.
Think about it…
If there’s no news about a specific company…
And yet someone placed an unusually large bet…
It’s very likely they know something that we don’t, right?
And it all comes back to this piece of computer code, Doug…
Thanks to this proprietary code we’re able to see things invisible to the naked eye.
For example, it might be normal to see someone buy 100,000 shares of a small biotech firm after the company gets a game-changing FDA approval…
But if someone buys 1 million shares of a small biotech firm with no news about the company… it might trigger Project Prophecy 2.0 that something is up.
Simply put, when the system flashes blue…
It means for some reason… Sophisticated traders who might have insider information are betting heavily on the company.
Or even more intriguing…
If a non-insider is making a huge bet on a stock…
There’s a very good chance they may know something everyone else doesn’t.
That’s how it can tip you off about BIG moves before they happen.
Because the truth is…
Time and time again we’ve seen that someone knows something about these political and economic events BEFORE you and I hear about them on the news.
Just look at what happened with Fifth Third Bank, Bank OZK, and Signature Bank.
Doug Hill
The same Signature Bank that went under last year?
Jim Rickards
That’s right…
Take a look inside the system…
On March 1st, 2023, all was quiet in the market…
But the proprietary algorithm behind Project Prophecy 2.0 picked some unusual market activity in these banking stocks.
As you can see here, the system was spiking red.
Doug Hill
So Project Prophecy 2.0 was warning that these banking stocks were due for some trouble?
Jim Rickards
The system was showing us that there was a mass exodus OUT of these stocks…
And it certainly makes you wonder why…
Because just one week later, on March 8th, Silicon Valley Bank announced a $1.8 billion loss due to the aggressive series of interest rate hikes at the Federal Reserve…
And shares of Silicon Valley Bank fell 60% in response.
This led to a snowball effect in the banking sector…
Fifth Third Bank crashed 27%…
Bank OZK fell 20%…
And Signature Bank went to zero!
Doug Hill
I remember this all going down Jim…
People were taking their money out of banks left and right!
Jim Rickards
I know it.
Fortunately, we avoided a bigger catastrophe, but there is one thing rather interesting about these events.
Doug Hill
What is that?
Jim Rickards
Less than two weeks before Silicon Valley Bank collapsed, top executives at the company sold stock totaling several million dollars, according to federal disclosures obtained by ABC News…
With former SVB President and CEO Greg Becker selling over $3.5 million of his company stock holdings.
And executives and directors at Signature Bank sold more than $100 million in stock in the three years leading up to the bank’s collapse.
Of course, by the time everyday folks heard about these bank failures, they were caught with their tail between their legs…
Only the insiders who had access to that privileged information were able to prepare BEFORE the news broke.
Simply put, these people were making sure THEIR money was safe.
And they left a footprint in the market…
Triggering a red spike in the Project Prophecy 2.0 system.
And had someone bet that each of these stocks were going to fall when the system was triggered, we’re talking about seeing gains as high as…
168% from Fifth Third
209% from Bank OZK…
Even 417% from the demise of Signature Bank…
Doug Hill
I can’t imagine how it would feel knowing that you weren’t only prepared for this chaos and kept your money safe…
But also made 5 times your money in the process.
Jim Rickards
Correct Doug, thanks to Project Prophecy 2.0 it’s possible to profit from a stock’s rise AND a stock's fall with one simple trade…
And as you’ve seen today, if you get ahead of big, unexpected news…
You could walk away with a fortune in a matter of days.
It doesn’t matter what niche of the stock market…
Just look at what happened with gold back in 2019.
As you can see in the chart, Gold hadn’t really been going anywhere.
Up then down, then back up. Pretty much sitting idle.
But here you can see that Project Prophecy 2.0 spiked blue for GLD.
Did someone know something was about to send Gold up?
Nobody knows for sure…
But soon after Project Prophecy 2.0 picked up this unusual activity…
The Fed announced it was going to cut interest rates for the first time since 2008.
Of course, that was HUGE news for Gold…
As gold typically rises after a rate cut, because low interest rates reduce the opportunity cost of holding the precious metal that earns no interest.
Shares began to explode higher.
And while most people missed that surprising move…
By leveraging the Project Prophecy 2.0 system to get ahead of this news…
Traders could have walked away with up to a 240% gain from GLD…
More than tripling your money!
Doug Hill
I mean from geopolitical conflict, to FDA drug approvals, to surprise announcements from the federal reserve, Project Prophecy 2.0 seems targeted to be AHEAD of major events time and time again.
Jim Rickards
But the problem is everyday folks…
People ike you – were the last ones to know about it –
Making it virtually impossible for you to make money from this surprising move.
But Project Prophecy 2.0 is changing all that.
Folks, this new patented project gives you 24/7 access to powerful financial data that could change the way you trade and invest forever…
You can now find instances of unusual trading activity for any stock in the market with just a click of a button.
It’s possible there are even times when unusual options activity coincides with insider buying.
And there are opportunities like this time and time again.
It’s really a shame this powerful indicator has remained a secret for so long…
But that all changes today…
It’s all thanks to a brand-new venture I’m launching today called Rickards Project Prophecy 2.0.
And right now, I’m opening the doors for this new service for the first time ever.
Unlike my other trading services and newsletters… Inside Rickards Project Prophecy 2.0 the focus is not just trade alerts…
Here you will gain access to proprietary, financial data that can help you make more informed trading decisions all with the click of a few buttons.
Thanks to recently obtaining the rights to patent #10803582…
It’s here you’ll be able to go in and search any ticker you are interested in…
And see for yourself if there is any unusual activity going on.
This financial data will be delivered directly onto your exclusive state-of-the-art charting platform which I have specially designed to cut through the noise and bring you the hottest stocks in the easiest way possible.
Plus, the platform includes much, much more… And it’s all set up for you.
Doug Hill
What else have you set up?
Jim Rickards
Okay so let me share my screen for a moment and take you inside Project Prophecy 2.0 for a moment so you can get a sneak peek…
Doug Hill
That would be great!
Jim Rickards
Now take a look here…
We now have our own platform, and inside it you will receive regular messages and updates from me.
We call this piece the “Expert Hub”…
These updates will be delivered directly onto your exclusive state-of-the-art charting platform which I have specially designed to cut through the noise and bring you the hottest Project Prophecy trades in the easiest and fastest way possible.
You’ll also have access to my personal Master List of stocks.
These are the stocks which I’ll be regularly monitoring for potential Project Prophecy action and under-the-radar suspicious activity that no-one else in the world can see.
Each stock will have a bullish, bearish or neutral rating called The Project Prophecy ‘Take’ using a top-secret proprietary rating system.
Also, every day you’ll be updated with an automated watchlist using very carefully deployed A.I. where my proprietary Project Prophecy filters are signaling the most immediate opportunities to strike.
On top of that, members will also receive my hand-picked weekly list of stocks to watch, permed from these two watchlists…
Doug Hill
Ok so inside the software members won’t only receive carefully curated watchlists but they’ll also get weekly updates from you?
Jim Rickards
Correct Doug. This is where I’ll tell you exactly what I see from the watchlists, and which stocks are my personal favorites…
But there’s more!
Members will also get my own special stock scanner tool with what we call ‘Fast Filter’ mode.
What that means is you simply click a button and see the hottest stocks immediately appear on your chart!
And I’ve developed a special “Trump Trades” scanner too…
Which will be focused on specific sectors and stocks that could benefit from Trump’s presidency
Plus, inside the Platform we’ve also added this cool feature we call Project Prophecy TV.
You can see it here on your screen…
This is where you can watch my live and on-demand channels with regular updates from me and my team, while at the same time you can be looking at my personal watchlists and scanning the markets yourself for unusual activity.
Not just that, but once a week my team and I will be reaching out to you via video, right here on the platform, giving you an update to what we see going on in the market…
And once a quarter I will hold a special private briefing … We’re calling it the Quarterly Prophecy Playbook, again right here on the Platform …
This is where I will recap everything macro going on in the world… And how we could potentially use Project Prophecy 2.0 to get ahead of upcoming earnings reports, elections, and other news events.
But only members of Project Prophecy will have access to this quarterly briefing.
You’ll see for yourself, we have taken huge care to include everything in this software platform that will put unique power into the hands of our members.
Doug Hill
It certainly seems so Jim…
Jim Rickards
But get this… It gets better!
Take a look…
My Project Prophecy 2.0 system is flashing blue for three companies in a small niche of the market.
That means the system has detected unusual market activity…
And that someone somewhere probably knows something BIG is about to happen to this company.
Doug Hill
So what you’re saying is the time is now to get ahead of everyone else… is right now?
BEFORE this big news breaks?
Jim Rickards
Yes sir.
As you’ve seen today, these things move really fast, sometimes in a matter of hours.
So there’s no time to waste.
To help everyone get started…
And it’s going to be made available to everyone right now.
Doug Hill
That's absolutely great news.
Jim Rickards
And folks, there’s even better news…
This report is actually part of a brand-new research venture I’m launching tonight called Rickards Project Prophecy 2.0.
Remember – this is the only place where I will publish recommendations based on signals that we see from Project Prophecy 2.0.
And today, I’m opening the doors for this new service for the first time ever.
Doug Hill
So, anyone who joins you today will get this report absolutely free?
Jim Rickards
That’s right…
And the report is really just the beginning.
Because whenever Project Prophecy 2.0 identifies a new trade that meets our requirements, and is confirmed by my analysis, I will send out an alert to let all members know it’s time to get in.
Doug Hill
Now Jim, earlier you mentioned that Project Prophecy 2.0 is running 24/7.
Does that mean that there's a new opportunity to trade every day?
Jim Rickards
Not necessarily.
Remember, Project Prophecy 2.0 gives us these signals anytime it spots unusual trading activity. But these trades don’t have a set schedule…
There’s no telling when they are going to make these types of moves.
So we only send an alert out to all subscribers when we get a sufficiently strong signal, if that makes sense?
Doug Hill
It does… But I’m wondering how many of these signals do you normally get?
Jim Rickards
But I want to be clear there is no set schedule for these trade alerts.
We are targeting triple digit gains in this service…
And as we all should know, triple digit gains in a matter of days is really only possible by trading options.
That’s why these trades could happen in the morning, afternoon, on a Monday or a Friday…
Because there’s truly no telling when Project Prophecy 2.0 is going to signal a spike.
This is a pretty active service, because as you’ve seen today our main goal is to get in and out of trades pretty quickly.
With ongoing wars all over the world and the rise of AI and biotech, there are lots of big events and earnings reports happening in the market…
So, I expect Project Prophecy 2.0 to be busy…
Now, my team and I want to make sure new members have everything they need to succeed.
Which is why you’ll also get buy and sell alerts from me and my team to maximize any profits — access to our private website where you can find training resources and video tutorials on options trading — and so much more.
Doug Hill
Ok that makes sense Jim…
Jim Rickards
And the best part about all of this is that Project Prophecy 2.0 is designed to be brain dead simple to use…
The unusual activity you’ve seen today is easily identified as bullish or bearish…
You get the best of both worlds here…
You can go into this patent approved system yourself and find your own trades…
But just in case anyone is worried about going into the system themselves…
We will also send you weekly updates and trade alerts when we find something ourselves.
Not to mention we’ve also recorded a tutorial training for new members.
Inside this training you will get step by step instructions on how to get the MOST out of the Project Prophecy 2.0 software…
No stone will be left unturned…
Not to mention we’ve included a live chat feature where you can get customer support right away…
Plus, we will send you alerts when we find the very best opportunities in the market.
Again, you can expect to get at least one per week on average.
So if you don’t want to go into the system yourself you really don’t have to.
Doug Hill
I’ve been working with you for nearly a decade now Jim… And I’ve never seen you give this much value before.
Jim Rickards
Well to be frank, I couldn't share this with the public until the patent was secured and this unique technology was ready. It has taken — literally — years.
Folks, I'd like to speak directly to you for a moment…
As you can see, I’ve been busy bringing this game-changing innovation to you, so you will never miss a beat.
From now on you’ll always have a pulse on Project Prophecy stock plays directly from my Platform, which will be regularly updated with state-of-the-art upgrades.
We’re now living in a new A.I. tech age, and it’s not good enough to just “not be left behind”.
We have to be the leaders and I have to protect my unique information sources.
That’s what my Project Prophecy Platform is all about.
To give you the best information and edge on the planet, with our own Private Area and the best and most user-friendly tool right at your fingertips.
Plus, we’ve set up a group chat feature… So every American patriot who joins this new research venture can chat amongst themselves.
Doug Hill
I like that a lot Jim!
This truly feels like a real community… And unlike anything we’ve ever really done before!
Jim Rickards
Exactly Doug, that was the goal with this project.
Doug Hill
Well, folks, look, you heard Jim…
Project Prophecy is truly one of a kind… and completely unique from his other services.
Because when you join Jim today, you’ll not only get his actionable trade alerts…
Now, as you can probably imagine, a subscription to Rickards Project Prophecy, well, it's not cheap.
And that's because running an AI software like this costs a lot of money.
There’s already been upwards of $20 million invested into this project, not to mention all the money it costs in upkeep.
But we think it's worth every penny because this is the only patent approved trading system following these big money “footprints.”
And here's the good news for you. A subscription to Rickards Project Prophecy is not going to cost you $20,000, not even $10,000.
If you go to our website right now, you will see that the list price is $5,000.
But if you're watching today, you won't even pay that.
Since we're launching this project for the first time…
Jim convinced us to give you a very special discount for charter members.
And he also wanted to give you a few bonuses as well.
Jim, how about you detail those now?
Jim Rickards
Of course.
To help you get started, I’ll teach the basics you need to know about Project Prophecy 2.0…
I’m talking about limiting your risk… executing your trades and monitoring their performance.
Inside this report, you’ll learn:
The behind-the-scenes details of how the original Project Prophecy came about…
How I’ve used it to help the U.S. government stop terrorists…
Why making investments with my Project Prophecy 2.0 options trading strategy is actually safer than how most people trade stocks, and why it's better than other technical indicators you’ve seen before…
How to make these kinds of trades within your IRA …
And so much more…
Doug Hill
This is great stuff for our readers, Jim…
Jim Rickards
Now of course, I wanted to make it as easy as possible for readers to get started…
So unlike other services that leave you with boring manuals to read, I’ve taken everything to a whole new level and recorded a video training explaining everything as well.
Doug Hill
A video training too? What does that include?
Jim Rickards
Here we will walk you through how to use Project Prophecy 2.0 yourself…
How to build your own watchlists… What to look for in both bearish and bullish instances… Everything you need is inside this video.
That’s why the video is so important.
Doug Hill
I love that you’re making sure you set everyone up for success for the coming months…
Folks remember, these bonuses are yours free the moment you become a new member.
But you're not stopping there, right, you're also giving readers access to your new book?
Jim Rickards
That's right Doug…
As we all know, in November 2022, OpenAI released GPT-4 in a chatbot form to the public.
In just two months, it claimed 100 million users—the fastest app to ever reach this benchmark.
Since then, AI has become an all-consuming topic, popping up on the news, in ads, on your messenger apps, and in conversations with friends and family.
But as a financial analyst… I am asking one question…
What happens if AI becomes ubiquitous and grows at an ever-increasing pace? what does that mean for the financial markets?
Well, that’s exactly what I cover in MoneyGPT.
In this book I paint a comprehensive picture of the danger AI poses to the global financial order, and the insidious ways in which AI will threaten national security.
I’ll also show you that while AI is touted to increase efficiency and lower costs, its global implementation in the financial world will actually cause chaos, as selling begets selling and bank runs happen at lightning speed.
MoneyGPT shows that the danger is not that AI will malfunction, but that it will function exactly as intended. The peril is not in the algorithms, but in ourselves.
And it’s up to us to intervene with old-fashioned human logic and common sense before it’s too late.
And today, when you become the newest member of Rickards Project Prophecy, I'll send you a copy of my new book, completely free of charge.
Doug Hill
Jim, you’re a frequent NY Times best-selling author…
Getting a free copy of one of your books is an amazing deal.
But before I reveal this big discount that you negotiated, I have to warn everyone that this special offer you’re hearing about today does come with a catch, and here it is.
We will not be able to accept everyone who's watching this tonight.
So let me give you a heads up in just a short moment, there will be a button that appears on your screen, giving you the chance to join Rickards Project Prophecy.
JOIN NOWNow if you want to lock in access to this state-of-the-art AI system, if you want the chance to profit from big macroeconomic and political events just like all the insiders do, then I suggest and I highly encourage you to click that button quickly as soon as it appears.
This service is on a first come first serve basis and there's a cap on how many new members we're going to accept today.
Jim, would you mind explaining to the folks at home why we have to limit access?
Jim Rickards
No problem.
And to be completely transparent, it’s because this is a business at the end of the day.
Today through this special offer we are offering a massive discount.
America is in a very fragile state right now and I believe all my readers should have the opportunity to get their hands on this great system.
But the unfortunate truth is once we hit our limit, this special offer is going to be taken down and we will begin to charge full price.
From countless hours of research and development, to millions of dollars invested, to obtaining rights to this secure patent to protect this technology…
I want to make sure the folks that take action and are ready to move forward with me on Project Prophecy 2.0 get in.
For that reason, I have to limit the service to a maximum of 1,000 members today.
So once we hit that 1000 limit, we're going to shut this offer down to new folks.
Now we'll create a waiting list that looks like this, you'll see it on your screen.
And if you end up being left out, please put your name on that list.
And my team will let you know if and when any new spots open.
But the key thing here, as I hope you can understand why we have to do this, is that we have to preserve the quality of this service for the people that get involved in it.
Doug Hill
And that makes total sense.
I mean as vice president here at paradigm, I personally want as many people to join this new venture as possible, but in this particular case, I understand that we simply cannot do that.
So folks, here's the deal, we're going to give you a full year of access to Rickards Project Prophecy 2.0 today.
That's an incredible 80% discount.
Especially when you consider that in just the next few weeks alone, you'll have a chance to get ahead of the news breaking.
What an amazing deal.
Now there should be a button that says “Join Now” on your screen. Go ahead and click on that button.
JOIN NOWAnd folks, remember hitting this button does not obligate you to anything.
You’ll just be directed to another page with additional information about this special offer.
This checkout page has an order form that’s fast, safe and 100% secure.
Once you join Rickards Project Prophecy 2.0, you will get immediate access to the full software suite…
Plus you will also gain access to Jim’s special report called…
Inside, you'll find all of the details of each of these trades, how to place them, what their upside potential is and so much more.
And remember, it's really important to get into these trades once Project Prophecy sees they are experiencing unusual activity…
Which, as Jim showed us, is right now.
The longer you wait, the more money you could end up leaving on the table.
Now, I don't have to tell you that trading is risky, everyone knows that.
So please keep in mind, these are top historical examples that just show what’s possible.
That's why Jim doesn't recommend that anyone bet the house on any one play…
But what I'm going to say next is very important.
If you wait to take action, you could miss out.
You see at a $3,000 discount, we're basically giving this away.
There’s been more than $20 million invested into this system…
It’s been in the works for years now…
And thanks to patent #10803582, and the insane advancements in AI over the last year or so, this is your chance to lock in access to Jim Rickards’ secret Project Prophecy at a steep discount.
So just click that button on your screen now to get started.
JOIN NOWBecause this special offer will only be available for a limited time
And remember, once we hit that 1,000-person limit today, that's it.
We'll have to shut access down for new subscribers.
Jim himself has over 200,000 paid subscribers…
So we’re talking about less than 1% of his readers being able to get access to Project Prophecy.
If you click on that button and you see a waiting list on the other page, it means all of the spots are taken.
And you will have to pay the full retail price to get in.
So click on the button now to get started or call this number: (844) 228-8835.
JOIN NOWOk Jim, any last words before we wrap this up?
Jim Rickards
Yeah, I just want to emphasize that it’s really important to get in as soon as this unusual activity appears.
These are some of the strongest signals I’ve ever seen…
So this could be a great chance to walk away with massive gains in the coming days.
Please don’t delay on this because the longer you wait, the more money you might end up
leaving on the table.
I sincerely hope you’ll be one of the 1,000 new members that join today.
I can’t wait to welcome you.
Remember, unfortunately I can’t accept everyone who’s watching here tonight.
And if you end up on the waiting list, please be patient.
I promise my team will reach out to you as soon as a spot opens up.
Of course, I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to get the same deal that we’re offering here.
As I explained before, we’re doing this to protect our readers.
So it’s in everyone’s best interest to keep this service limited.
Please go ahead and click on the button to join me and I’ll talk to you soon.
Thank you for joining us today, and Doug thanks for having me.
Doug Hill
Thanks for being here Jim.
And folks, I look forward to seeing you on the inside…
Bye for now.
July 2024